Happy birthday darling :) ! thanks for the fab food hehehe...

Cooking time (um I dont actually help..more like I watch and eat)

Seymour House, Brunswick :) (ma, we really shd get 3-double-bedroom nice flat like this one next year hehe....)

Alex visited London! havent seen him in absolutely AGES!
Am so tired and cant feel my legs. Basketball is a REALLY good exercise. Somehow cant imagine how fit i must be back then in highschool when i played basketball 2-3 times a week and riding 4-5 times a week as well. but i must say i always enjoy that exhausted yet satisfied feeling after a good exercise. Anyway, I've decided am gonna be a really good girl and stay in for the rest of next week due to the fact that I went out almost every night last week..which was fun indeed but now i realise im still completely clueless on doing biodiversity indexes and there are a hell lot of carabid and spider data waiting to be analysed. My days are going to be filled with statistical treatments and tests next week as I foresee it. I've done my bits of reading today. I actually sped through six chapter of the philosophy of woodland, also the nice bits i like are the chapters from this conservation biology book by Primack. still..there are three to four more heaps of textbooks i must go through. Last week was fun. Meeting David at Carina's place was fun :) catching up with him and Manveer. Can't believe she's going to get married next June!! Too bad David cant come more often from St Andrew, otherwise we all can have get together more often..Then been seeing Simon, Louisa, Jo, Nina and Miri for meals.. Silvia's birthday dinner was yesterday as well. (lots lots of November birthdays! ninghan,silvia,k'bq,tasha,laras,ivan,novi,angel..happy bday to you all!) . Then we had Indosoc dinner also the previous night made me realise how I have no idea who my juniors are in imperial *sigh*. These days I dont even take notes of the dates anymore, days simply flew so fast. In less than a month i'll be on the flight back to Spore/Japan/Indo..wohoo.. cant wait!! Looking fwd to meet Inka .. looking fwd to meet you back home as well .. and of course my lovely horses :)
I guess i havent updated my blogs as often as I used to do. Not really due to lack of time, but merely due to lack of wanting to remember things (if you get what i mean). I'm the type of person who likes to keep bits and pieces from the past, jotted down good memories, took pictures, wrote a journal, keeping all the birthday cards/xmas cards and then keep all those precious memories tucked away inside a box neatly so I can go back in time whenever I feels like it. I like the past. Im more of a person who perceive the past as something that has made me the person I am today. I did not hate or love the past, more like I cherish it and learn to accept it day by day.