Had another proper girlie weekend again today :)!
haha so happy
and feel refreshed as well!!
the only downside, i think stupid pret cashier stole my money £10 becos im damn sure i give £20 note then he said onli gave £10. The manager counted his till but he's only -0.71p but im still 100 % sure that he did take my bloody £20!!!!!and no am not mistaken, becos thats the only cash i got in my wallet for the past three days so im fucking sure its £20 and NOT £10
okay consider it as charity trisna..deep breath
still not so happy :( :( :(
but beside that today is a good Saturday.
Riding-shopping-lunch-coffee with lovely companies :)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
butterfly effect
Saturday, May 24, 2008