Happy Halloween
Bohoo.. i feel down for no reason when i was on my way back home just now! :(
which is rare
usually I'm always more of a person with 'a good frame of mind' ..
I miss you!! and you, and you..
why no one of you is on msn at the moment :(
Got friends coming over for Halloween/House party tonight, but I don't really feel like partying.
Friday, October 31, 2008
butterfly effect
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Omg wanted to die
basketball practice was TIRING today
and our coach decided because we all not really concentrating so we had to do suicide runs everytime we missed the targeted baskets :(
plus my fitness level was wayy low because I haven't been running for a week as I slightly twisted my ankle and bruised my knee from last week's practice (yeah last week I fell over because I stepped on Vanessa's foot..and tripped, quite stupid..)
Anyway, I had a very enjoyable me-time this weekend :) hehe..
Spent most of the time yesterday and today just me, myself and I :) :)
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
On graduating

Okays i don't actually FEEL like a graduant. but anyways the graduation day was fun, indeed it was tiring though! didn't know that graduation can be so exhausting :P but I admit it was a happy occassion for me.
butterfly effect
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I came across this verse a few days ago :
"Tetapi pengharapan yang dilihat, bukanlah lagi pengharapan. Sebab bagaimana orang bisa mengharapkan apa yang telah dilihatnya?"
keep hoping if you want to keep the hope-ish
butterfly effect
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
So so so tireddd....
gosh masters course is sooooo packed
and everyone seems to be so motivated!!
I actually rather enjoyed the law class today, somehow the 'creative' thinking required when you have to argue to defend your case kind of suits my sometime twisted and unusual ideas! i liked the feeling when i got a point right and can 'attack' the other side..heheh
Okays, mom and dad are coming tmr, together with Inka's parents
yay will be eating lots of gd food, bring them around and shop lol
butterfly effect
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I like it when a guy know how to be a gentleman and know when to give compliments! :)
ok. back to reading environmental law.
i feel important, reading law and economics..such a change.
butterfly effect
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Drip drip
The ceiling next to the window in my room is LEAKING!!! :( :( !!!
ok not extremely bad leaks, but as I was doing some work on my desk tonight, I heard this 'drip-....-drip-.....-drip...' sound n thot its the rain OUTSIDE my window, but noo..its dripping on the inner side of the window, from the top floor!! oh nOOoO.. at least the water doesn reach the carpet! otherwise will be horrible to dry the carpet etc etc
I put a bucket underneath, called Rex (my agent) and he said they'll come tomorrow to fix it (yea cos when I found out it was already like, 11pm..)
:( !!!!!!
Don't like when maintenance guy coming into my room tmr!! i have to clean my room then afterwards..
butterfly effect
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
"Never Be Lonely"
(By The Feeling)
People in love get fast and foolish
People in love get everything wrong
People in love get scared and stupid
People in love get everything wrong
At least they're not lonely
At least they're not lonely
Never Be Lonely
People in love get special treatment
People in love get everything wrong
People in love their hearts get eaten
People in love get everything wrong
At least they're not lonely
At least they're not lonely
Never Be Lonely
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
"You can't damage people by taking away something they do NOT value"
I like that sentence, taken from Introduction to Environmental Economics textbook that I am currently reading (yeah, sad fact.. i do start my reading before the term officially starts). Economics, it is a strange world. So different from the world of biology where it is full of facts. In fact, I found similarities between econs and ecology..they are both subjects with a lot of theories and assumptions and models, but frankly people can just do whatever they want without obeying the laid out rules and models. And it made me question myself, will I ever actually try to 'damage' a person by taking away something they value? tempting at times. Do I have the heart to? maybe not.
Anyway, i love being alone in my flat tonight :) Somehow everyone is out ever since I came back this evening (horrible journey home fyi. Bus 360 brokedown and we have to wait until the next bus came. No victoria line today. It was COLD outside).
Work shifts been unexpectedly enjoyable, made a few new friends and have good chats in between :) I met Heather and John today as well in South Ealing for a quick chat over coffee.. they are doing well and I do plan to visit them in Shrewsbury sometime soon before they are moving to Leipzig. Can't believe almost four years have passed since I left Concord though, and sometimes memories are too real for you to remember that the moments have passed. long ago.
butterfly effect
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Sometimes the universe is trying to tell you something.. i guess. Would you please listen?
butterfly effect
Thursday, October 02, 2008