Today went for part time job recruitment in d union w. Vandy & Ardi. Wah..not as many ppl applying as i thought it would b. :) gonna hv 2 trial shifts in catering (nice manager! john..) plus one trial shift in ents (= entertainment), and guess who the person in charge is : Liz! yup yup opwall Liz, talked a bit w her today. Said she had a brilliant time in Indo, learnt to dive, saw a hammerhead shark!! jealous hehe...
Yea, i wonder why i didn't work at the union since last yr..seriously, plus they're super flexible w the shifts etc as well.
Oh, also today was busy preparing the indo welcome gathering 4 tmr. Busy day at the indo embassy tmr nite!! :) hopefully can meet n get to know lots of new indo students.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
butterfly effect
Thursday, September 28, 2006