Thanks to daylight saving time, yesterday we all had to wait almost 1hr for our taxi!! damn. Yesterday worked till 2..,then as usual Bola booked us taxis 2 get home. Well, turns out e taxi driver FORGOT tht time has moved back all of us ended up waiting n waiting n tried to call the stupid taxi company who claims its not their fault. Omg.
Plus this morning the internet connection in my room sucks.. so can't do the lab report. Might need to go to school soon =( Can't wait till we get proper internet nxt week!
Yesterday was pretty good actually. Went for dimsum with silvia, yan, irma, artati, and a few of our juniors frm concord. Catching up etc. Then went selfridges to look for Pang's bday present. Also after tht went shopping ard a bit by myself, got a nice top frm river island which was on sale, yay. hehe. Then at nite do a 9 1/2 hr bloody long long shift on floor..Also got an unexpected phone call frm kevin, which was a bit random. Asking me n irma to go out for dinner with him, baim, dadit, rizal.. Quite a nice surprise since haven't seen them in a while. Oh well, anyway..gonna go n try to do some work now. Oh also sam just told me that I can hv another jumping lesson this Wed..yayyy! so happy.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Daylight saving time
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 29, 2006