I think nowadays i'm getting more and more lazy..
which might b a good thing since everyone always says i work too hard. I think so too sometimes, but I can't help it. I always try to please ppl, and usually put aside my own needs. Which in theory is really good, but I think sometimes you have to b selfish and just put your happiness first..why? hmm because who else can love yourself as much as you do. I got this idea frm Magda today, cos she was talking why ppl shouldn't complain abt their looks. Well, honestly i think its perfectly normal why most ppl aren't satisfied abt their looks..wish they were slimmer/taller/etc etc..because its just in our nature. Humans are never satisfied. We always want more than what we already have. True. I used to b like tht as well.. but these days everytime i start to think why i'm not taller/thinner etc, I just remind myself that i'm lucky 2 b healthy, plus this body had already taken me horse riding/climb up to sinai/went diving down to 27 m in the red sea.. well, it carried me through. So yah, just try to tk care & love yourself i guess. Plus also watching grey's anatomy make me realise how easily things can go extremely wrong in your body.
oh well.. i need 2 sleep .. brain is not really working.
Monday, October 30, 2006
butterfly effect
Monday, October 30, 2006