I am seriously bio-saturated
Can i wrote some random entry which has nothing whatsoever to do with bio?? hmm omg i cannot even think straight anymore :( I tried to find something to clean in our flat, because i find that cleaning things are theraupetic. If i started cleaning, i couldnt stop. I know, i'm weird. But yes, i found that out recently..cleaning things are good. Our flat is shiny, super duper clean now :) the reason being is that because Richard (our landlord) came tonight to fix our loose door. Turns out it was damn easy to fix. Next time can do ourself. :) yays.
I was chatting with jeanne just now. She asked me to come visit her before she goes back indo.. Now i am so in the mood to go away for a weekend trip somewhere. Anywhere. Just to escape from london life a bit. Even tho i just had a xmas trip, but this exam made me wants to travel again. To relieve stress. Probably. Sometimes i think why people travel? It is fun to see all the new places, see all the new cultures. But actually, maybe it makes people realise how big the world is. I mean, lets take a small example..every week i travelled all the way to zone 5 to go horse riding..In zone 5, its sure is different compared to central london. People don't rush everywhere. They smiled at you and said good morning. There are wide open fields. It refreshed me in a sense that i realised there are lots more out there...not just me in my own little world of victoria/pimlico/south ken/imperial every single day. Then when i came back, it gave me a new surge of energy to get through my problems or assignments for the week. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in your own little world, unconsciously thinking that the world revolved around you and all that matters is whether you finished your essay on time, revised hard enough for the exam, or what to cook for dinner etc. Being an overseas student in a foreign country, i found that it was really really easy to fall into this 'i'm stuck in my own little world' state. Why? Firstly, no family. If you are back home, there are families..family events, family problems, parents talking about their jobs.. Secondly, less and much much smaller circle of friends..at home, i'm always like, involved in a gazillion comitee/organisation/clubs etc. And those ones were the seriously big proper student body organisation, or huge charity events coordinated by a lot of schools. Here, everything is in much much smaller scale. Like riding club, very small scale.. Indo soc, also small scale. It is true that living by yourself, in a foreign country, sorting your own finances etc.. DOES makes you become more independent. but it automatically did make your world kinda smaller. Yes you did meet new friends, lots even. but it takes time to reach that level of networks and contacts and friends you knew back home..all the way from kindergarten to high school. Plus,usually everytime you go back home..automatically you will fall back into normal habits. Like, you didn't need to clean your room or wash your clothes or cook your own food. In fact, i have no single clue how to rent a flat, or pay electricity bills, or sort out internet connection back home. I dont even know the bus numbers that pass my house, or even the bus fare. Oh dear. (btw this is due to a very very bad public transport in indo..seriously. otherwise if its like here, i'll happily take the bus. Driving was not fun in indo. Horrible traffic).
Anyway, i think i start to ramble too much now.. my point is, sometimes we get so easily caught up in our daily routinity. Falling into the 'im in my own little world' syndrome. Please, do try to get out of it once in a while..it helps. Travel, try do a new thing, or just simply go and take a walk and people-watching :)
See the bigger picture.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Its a big world
butterfly effect
Tuesday, January 09, 2007