My first day doing final year project can be perfectly described by TWO words :
1.exhausting more thankful than ever for the phD student and lab assistant!!!!!! whoever invented them are brilliant
well, the fact that my lab(s) are spread over level 3,4,5 (thus involving me running up and down the stairs the lift then up again and down again then up again collect minerals down again collect aphids across to get my supervisor blablabla) and plus also the growth room near the basement in RCS. plus also my supervisor who seems kinda disorganised and forgetful, thus causing me to literally went from one group to another and one lab to another to hunt down the trace minerals i need to feed my precious aphids..
at least my OTHER supervisor is damn nice :) (and yes indeed i have two supervisors, a bit strange but yah nvm)
and once again, so so sooo thankful to sophie and eliana in which without them i think my aphid are going to encounter the unlucky faith of starving to death
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
FYP : Day 1
butterfly effect
Wednesday, May 07, 2008