Long time havent blog :P
Finally today can get home before 7pm yay. Not too happy actually because of the stupid growth room failure so i lost one week worth of data taking *damn* now im stuck in a way that i really wanna get on to do work but cannot do anything because i have to wait until i have enough aphid culture, plus also bank holiday weekend. The main thing is that i can only run my sample on friday to stop it on tuesday (the way i plan my experiment is i start on mon-finish on fri, nah it screwed up COMPLETELY this week because of that growth room temperature that shoots up to 44C turning all my aphids to well..roasted aphids really. Me so so not happy now arrgh!)
At least my supervisors symphatesized :) Hopefully John wouldnt mind if i ask for more glucosinolates. Even tho am still eternally grateful that he even allow me to have that much in the first place, a teeny-tiny weeny bottle of it worth like £200 plus! same like enzyme also cost damn much..maybe i should be an enzyme-maker, hmm make lots money
Anyway, yay happies, today came back early then went for a run..then watch desperate hwsv wt irma. Love my dear flatmates :) can put smiles on my face after a super long day in lab!
And i now know how to bake egg tarts!!
gonna bake some next weekk and bring school for lunchess :)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
butterfly effect
Wednesday, May 21, 2008