I feel so much better since yesterday as I no longer concern myself over that matter =D
Went to hunt for Vietnamese restaurant in Old Street yesterday with Simon and Carina. Then today I am going to stay in to work,work,work.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
butterfly effect
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"Teman terbaik adalah teman dimana kau bisa duduk bersamanya tanpa mengucapkan sepatah kata pun, dan ketika kalian berpisah, kau merasa seperti sudah bercakap-cakap lama dengannya"
Nat tagged me in this post of hers in Facebook.
How very true.
Do you guys feel that it is harder to make friends as you grew older?
but the ones that you already have, makes you cherish them even more :)
Love you my friends.
butterfly effect
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hahaha thanks Peh you made my day today. Love you and miss you!!!
Okay concentrating and working mode is on for today.
Going to meet up with Dewi later tonight as well :)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
and i just found out that visa application is now much more complicated since they used the points-based system blah.
I miss you and you.
butterfly effect
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Summer .....ending...
Me want the sun back :(
Was at Louisa's earlier with Carina and Simon for the whole afternoon ..lucky was with them, otherwise would be in a grumpy mood for the rest of the day.
stupid gloomy day made me feel down today.
butterfly effect
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Just another summer day
Well, initially today my initial plan was only to help Carina by making her bedframe & made dumplings at her place with Simon. Initial plan to get to hers by 1-2pm, but had to make it earlier thus was there by 12pm. Had lunch. Made the bedframe (more like staring actually, Simon made the rest). Then as the weather was SO nice, thus we decided to go out :)
to..Richmond Park!!!
I've been to Richmond Park twice but never by public transport (1st time-cycled there with Ninghan, 2nd time-by car with Dr Lamb). It was SUCH a nice place to stroll around slowly on foot.. we took the footpaths off the main road :) Saw the red deers, and sat atop a hill overlooking West London. Neighbourhood and Richmond high street area were also really very pretty. Loves it a lot. Day ends by having dinner in Korean village (yes there is one! in Wimbledon area there.. well to be exact its called New Malden High St). Then the best part is as we were rushing to get on the District Line from Wimbledon station (with me already expecting at LEAST one hour journey to get back home as there is no Victoria line this weeken @_@..)...tadaaaa...I suddenly saw an overground train that says : "London Waterloo via Vauxhall" - i was like, wohoooo... hopped on the train, and in 15min I was already in Vauxhall (its 4 stops away from Wimbledon) hohoho.
butterfly effect
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Only child
This is interesting :
It was a BBC online news article about China's one child policy. It never occurs to me that beside aiming to reduce the country's population size, another effect it has is to produce generations of children who are ensured to be well-educated and grow up to be successful. Me as the only child myself, has always realised that it is true if you are the only child..then your parent only spend their money on you ..thus to some people it may appear that you are 'richer', which can apply to both materialistic side or just chances to do things that you enjoy. If you have many siblings, then of course your parents must have split their incomes to accomodate all of you..
However, yeah it never struck me that if a country limits its citizens to only having one child, or even two the max..it does make sense if it will improve the health and educational well-being of each child. As the parents' financial income will only be used to brought up 1-2 children and not more.
I love my parents.
butterfly effect
Friday, July 24, 2009
Just came back from Judith's :)
Had a nice evening with Jude and Miriam (with what else but yes our pancakes!)
It is a bit sad that no one is sure where everyone will be next year. In a way I feel relieved to know I am not the only 'floaters' around.. who is not sure what will happen next after finishing this MSc course. Judith's more or less in the same situation as me. Miriam is moving to Leamington Spa to do her MRes and move in with Shifa.. Nina, Sherry, Amira, Charlotte..more or less same as me and Jude.
Now we're trying to meet up often.. as who knows where and when we can see each other again :(
butterfly effect
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Not another flu
butterfly effect
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
One by one
Just came back from Simon's, had cooking-time with him, Louisa and Carina tonight.
feeling pleasantly sleepy from the wine :) I haven't drink at all for the past few months, thus I realised how quickly the wine goes to my head tonight. but its nice, fuzzy and warm.
I realised now one by one, people I know are leaving London.
..argh I hate farewells.
It's not goodbye, it never is :)
butterfly effect
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
butterfly effect
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Post-summer in 2009
Have my thesis to do.. sigh sigh. Hand-in date by 9th of September, I think I will be like a zombie by then? Hibernating most of the time now in my comfy flat :) love my flat and flatmates as always, you guys are the best!!
I wonder where will I be at this time, next year?
I wish I can still be here in the UK, I still want to though. Part of me wants to go back too, mostly because of my horses. Zinnie is growing up and I would like to compete her and be involved in her training, as she is only just turned 5 years old now. I also wants to be there with Chief and Kim as now they are both getting old..will retire them soon, but I still want to have a few more competition with them..just for fun. On the other hand, I still want to be in the UK.. I was toying with the idea of doing PhD too.. Really tempting. But don't feel nice asking my parents to fund me for another 3-4 years... I've been looking for possible scholarships too, but most of them I do not fit into the category :( Confused now to where and what should I do after I graduate? I hate uncertainties.
butterfly effect
Wednesday, July 15, 2009