Yesterday went to watch Tsotsi w. Mand & Ti.
Unusual movie..was really good :)
Makes me think, that we're so lucky to have a chance to study UK..have a good life back home..compared to those ppl in Africa. Watching d movie reminds me so much of home, where poor ppl are really poor, and the riches are increduously rich.
Its very,very similar..
somehow the movie makes you symphatize w d bad guy,
he is not a bad guy by nature, its just that he has no other choice.
Anyway, will go back to my revision now..been in library since 4 hrs ago, but i rather enjoyed reading abt animal behaviours :p!
Monday, March 27, 2006
butterfly effect
Monday, March 27, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
its very..very ..quiet in my flat now..
talked to silvia on msn for abt 1 hr just now..missed her loads!
also darius just came to my room, he brought dvd's! haha..damn nice la, i called him & wondeirng if i can go to his room n disturb him hehehh..since i felt so bored.
Went for a swim & study in library, college was sooo..empty...
anyway,better stop writing now since i talked nonsense..
gonna watch dvd's and go to sleep early tonite hehe
butterfly effect
Saturday, March 25, 2006
No more school !!
Last dAy oF scHoOL !!
went to Newham city farm w. ninghan & yihlin..all e way in xone 3.. took DLR ('free') royal albert, walk2x..found e farm, donkey (30yr old!),koookie, cats,geese,horsie,pony,etc. Small farm, but pretty tidy..looked around & wait for d manager (sussana?) to forms etc.
Went to Canary Wharf on d way back, took pics, went to bridge, books etc, read2x...damn hungry, went to eat at Nandos!! v.fulfilling meal!! had such a good time, just talking2x, fill up the bottomless soda! (like, 10 times i think), ate chickn & corn & chips...damn full :)
went back, pretty tired hehe
Then at nite, movie marathOn w. ninghan, matthew, charlotte ! watch hitch & lotr 3, hitch damn funny, lotr got lots of extended scene,so cool :)
slept ard 5.30ish..woke up at 11.15ish..
butterfly effect
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Finish the inter-club show jumping today..! 1st effort to organise a compt, n it went well!
When we get there, wit 6 of us building d course & dragging the poles ard etc..only took abt 10 min to set up d whole thing...wait around..ask kerry, judging..talk2x to wieland n jess (found out sm intersting news abt k & s haha)..
then novices went 1st..over poles...rush around helping Yogi for jumping, tacked him up (he was still half asleep in his stable, sorry yogi...)
Jumped Yogi.. he had such a gd rhytm! no need to adjust d speed, he'll help me for that..but sumtime he was late in picking up his front feet, otherwise, he's v.honest! (remind me of Bobby, miss him! he was one of those horses who will always, always try his hardest for u)..
Wieland fell but he was ok, Jess rode Jock (omg he looked SO CUTE!)..
went to pub n had sm dirnks & talk2x with wieland,jess..
went back, bloody chelsea game again = delayed bus!!
Happy..hungry...but, easter holiday is COMING!! haha..
p.s: add another bet w ninghan..hmm..who knows
"Large streams from little fountains flow..Tall oaks from little acorns grow" -D.Everett-
quite true though, big things always start from small things (simplified in extreme) :)
butterfly effect
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
This few days, somehow I kept thinking abt him...and I realised I missed him. Yep, its that simple, I miss him. So yesterday decided to send him a mssg asking how has he been doing lately.
He replied, said that he went to took his advance diving certificate this weeknd (lucky him!!) & they went for a dive to this ship-wreck from 1980's & they went for a night-dive as well (makes me really can't wait to go to Egypt!!! hehehe)
Anyway, yeah ok i know i didn't think abt him much during the day ..busy:. me as usual...but at nite can't seem to get him out of my mind. Still, no I don't regret breaking up, but just that i miss him lately
"Love did not involve gazing at each other, but looking forward together to the same direction" by A.Exupery. (frm Michael's xanga, thx! hehe).
butterfly effect
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Ice cream weekend ! *
Finally !
Had a good,proper weekend this week :)
Friday : went to dinner with all the indo nite commitee ppl at vandy & cassie as well.nice dinner (free food hehe). Then went to ciao bar for huge ice-creams afterwards. Got a good laugh & chat etc. Plus my camera took a plunge into Eko's ferrero-rocher ice cream It was hilarious! Took loads of pic ! (eg : the pic above! Jose-Christy-me-Eko,,,blisfully entranced in ice-cream heaven :)
Saturday : Kote's bday party dinner at Hank's place in Canary Wharf ! everyone there except Jose-Achmad-Jon-Boy. Ate,drink,gossiping, talk2x. Actually talked quite a lot with Lita, n found out abt her doll-collection passion. The dolls are so very very pretty! seriously, was imagining they would b scary looking dolls (eg: Bride of Chucky), but no, her dolls are so lovely !!
Went back so late, so sleepover at Manda's as usual :)
oh and we dressed kote as a girl!
Sunday : woke up 1/2 alive at 9.30, drag myself back home to take a shower etc. Everyone still dead asleep when I left. Had a really nice yummy sukiyaki don at Sakura with Daryll :)
Then met up with Artati in Picadilly, ate ice cream again in Ciao Bar (order 2 very yummy, choc & berry ice cream!) .
Talked a lot with Daryll, it was really nice meeting up with her again after so long. She's still exactly the same as the last time i saw her. N was happy to hear that she's loving it in Belfast so much. Tried to recall abt wht happened with us back then, but it was so silly lar, we just couldn't actually remember what caused it all that time!
Swap lab stories, n talked abt all d new ppl we met, reminsicing concord 6.1 times.. those times wit our chem class plot, coti/frog with me, late-nite horror movies,rambling/mysterious guy when we walked out that time (creepy!), measuring grass, field trip, set 5, as english analysis thingy, talking thr our walls etc etc it seriously was damn good talking with her again.
Went back to artati's place , Satrio was there as well : she dyed & cut my hair! brown ish, looking good baby !
A good weekend! so long since I had a proper weeknd, the last time was when me & ninghan went to richmond parK!
~~LiFe is SeRiouSly gOoD~~
butterfly effect
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
A rather quiet weekend
This weekend is a rather quiet one.
The pics abova are pics from Richmond Park !!! last sunday, me n ninghan cycled there. Me on Michael's bike, Ninghan on Daryl's. Somehow we end up in Wimbledon common, had lunch n tea at the windmill cafe (yeap a windmill), and wondering how on earth there are no signs of Richmond park. On our way back home, somehow we stumbled upon one of the real Richmond park entrance and we went 'aha!'.
Well, all in all last week was undoubtedly a very very Sunday ! :)
This week did nothing much, been spending the whole weekend reading up on books abt human sexual essay : Should Men be Unfaithful ?. somehow yet I really am enjoying myself doing research for this topic. Unlike the usual, dreadful times I tried to read on books abt topic that I did not enjoy :)
so goodie..hehe
Yesterday I chat on msn with him, somehow, I was really enjoying his company that time (chatting). I actually thought abt him quite a lot these few days, to b honest, i missed him. Yeap, I do. but no, I don't want to get back together w him, and we both know it just won't work for now. Considering both of us were like, busy all the time. Will be unfair to both of us even if we tried to make it work.
Anyway, yeah i admit i do miss him.
butterfly effect
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Indonesian Nite' 06 at LSE!!
Indonesian Night 2006 at LSE :)
it was a S.U.C.C.E.S.S !!
Ok, here these few days we've ALL been practicing and did rehearsals like there's no tomorrow. I mean, on earth did we manage to rehearse for 8 hrs straight last Sunday, only Gos knows why. Then yesterday till 12..with everyone tired and in a bad mood, our last rehearsal is..acceptable..maybe everyone were just so nervous yesterday though.
went to LSE at 3..set up the quad (removing tables etc) after spending a very productive one-hour playing capsa with d guys)..did posters etc with Amy (LSE,frm Brunei, but she cud undertsd indo :) !)..
then Manda etc came..
guests start to 6ish...Baim,Dadit,Ozzy etc were all there, vandy,darius, achmad,yoshio,michael,anca,puisan :)
Serving foods n drinks..ow ya did i mention dat eko did a very good job cutting the sellotapes with his teeth (yeap sadly since we dun hv any scissors!haha)..stick all the paper tablecloth :)
Food from Mawar restaurant (the owner is ang mo! but cud speak indo well)..
loads of ang mo tho..amazingly..
Serve food-drinks etc.ow and the ambassador came!
his daughter, annisa got the lead role as inem.
Inem the SEXY maid!
eko-ice cream guy, annisa-inem,satrio-jude law,amy-sienna, me,phillip,kerry,gerry-students, benny-light, andreas-sound, rahul-dancing guy,thomas-police officer, jose-inem's madam..
Kerry is hilariously funny in every scene he was in, Eko was such a natural, n Annisa is just the perfect inem!!
I was in the few girl passing by Jude law in tube..dancing caca marica with jose,kerry,phil,amy..and FASHION SHOW! pairs up with Rahul..manda etc were all in fashion show (it reminds me SO much of our last mayor's concert!! even the song is exactly the same!!) and we all did little dances and poses, and it worked amazingly well considering the amount of practice we had (twice!).
Oh have i mention above dat we got sound trouble at the beginning? basically, mike works, but speaker! we were all freaked out but then me n phil managed to get (borrow) 2 speakers frm this guy,nick, at LSE SU..then put microphone in front of the mike, it worked!!! :)
Oh another thing, Irma's voice was kinda lost tonite, but she managed to sing!!! very proud of her tonite, brilliant performances though!!! manda & ange guitar, artati base..
damn nice..
anyway..gtg sleep now. GLad dat its over, was fun tho! get to know loads of new friends!! hehe..
butterfly effect
Thursday, March 02, 2006