Today went for part time job recruitment in d union w. Vandy & Ardi. Wah..not as many ppl applying as i thought it would b. :) gonna hv 2 trial shifts in catering (nice manager! john..) plus one trial shift in ents (= entertainment), and guess who the person in charge is : Liz! yup yup opwall Liz, talked a bit w her today. Said she had a brilliant time in Indo, learnt to dive, saw a hammerhead shark!! jealous hehe...
Yea, i wonder why i didn't work at the union since last yr..seriously, plus they're super flexible w the shifts etc as well.
Oh, also today was busy preparing the indo welcome gathering 4 tmr. Busy day at the indo embassy tmr nite!! :) hopefully can meet n get to know lots of new indo students.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
butterfly effect
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Yesterday I was being honest.
To myself and to a certain someone. Which was a really rare thing. I am a good pretender. Usually. So, well these few days seems like suddenly I think it's time to be honest to myself, and so I did. It felt good to do that yesterday, to actually for once, just be totally honest.. but today I felt crappy. Why oh why I decided to do that yesterday?!? am i out of my mind or what. Maybe in a way it can make things better, but on the other way it might make it worse, much much worse.
Damn..Life is not fair.
butterfly effect
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
A quote from a fridge magnet
butterfly effect
Monday, September 25, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Rainy rainy London
These last few days were pretty quiet. Been settling in nicely in our new flat. Sorting out phone/internet/electricty was pretty tough though. Plus sadly won't have internet connection till at least 2 more weeks :( Got used to travel ard from vic/pimlico. Cleaned, scrubbed, mopped our kitchen so now it's shiny and clea. Stocked up on food, bumped into baim, steph, benny in leicester. Been around shops/cafes in vic/kings rd spreading CV's. Got a few replies, they all wants to employ me..but sadly they wanted a full-time staff. So,still jobless until now. Gonna go to IC part time job recruitment on 28th sept, fingers crossed can find one there (working in IC gonna b much much more convenient!!!). Oh and I love my new room! got a little balcony & high ceiling. Our landlord, Richard, is also extremely nice, which is good :)
Yesterday went out w/ Steve,Alanna,Chloe(alanna's friend), Joe, Amy & Katie..kinda weird tho meeting all of them in London, when the last time i saw them was in Egypt. Alanna told me all her adventures travelling ard egypt for 10days w. chloe, which sounds pretty familiar w. mine n ninghan's hehe..what wt all the tourist/hotel touts/honking taxis. It all seems soo far..awayy.. now..funny, like it was all just a dream. Also, Joe n amy is now tgthr!!! they looked really cute 2gether i must say. Went out to find egyptian food in edgaware rd, but ended up eating indian food..not bad. :)
butterfly effect
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Flat Hunting
One word for flat hunting : bloody tiring!!!
Me and irma had been running around, viewing places..from morning till noon since the beginning of this week. From one agent to the next. I think we actually had walked almost all around Pimlico/Victoria/south bank/Fulham etc etc ..and covered most of west/south east London on foot more in these 4 days compared to one year.'s been one hell of a busy busy time nowadays.
butterfly effect
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Had been thinking to post this nice pic of tree/building silhouette. Taken when me n inka were walking along Yarra river in Melbourne, on our way home from a very nice afternoon nap in d botanic garden. :)
butterfly effect
Monday, September 11, 2006
Imperial Wharf
Back in London since yesterday morning. Surprisingly, it's still bloody hot here. Almost 28-30 C during the day..omg. Today helped Manda moved in to her new apartmen, which is just right across my old hall, orient house. Imperial Wharf, 8th floor, riverside view. Superbly new, nice and fully furnished! very very modern. Me and Manda was suitably impressed, with the cool lightning system/shower which sprays u frm all around and the eating & cooking utensils were even provided by the agent! plus a bottle of bubbly champagne was waiting for us as a complimentary drink in the fridge. Pure bliss :)
Irma also arrived 2day frm Amsterdam.. went shopping w her n her sis. We really2x shd start property hunting tmr!! otherwise, i'm now feeling slightly worried tht we might ends up staying in evelyn gardens for 2 more weeks. Hopefully not, *fingers crossed*.
butterfly effect
Monday, September 11, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Yesterday got a haircut in the morning, then met up w. all d girls! Pick up dwi, apin.. went to meet the rest at Plangi. Lunch in Hokben, continued w. a long talks/gossiping/signature reading at oh lala cafe, thought the poor cafe owner was pretty much helpless seeing 15 of us rearranging the seats and tables :)
Anyway, it all started when Lydia read dwi's character through her signature. Then all of us asked her to read ours as well. Most of it were freakishly true! Owing to the fact tht Lydia didn't know most of us well enough, except manda probably. According to her, mine said mainly : first, most ppl see me as having no expression (aka : never shows emotion) for most of the time..hmm partly true. Then she continued and said tht even though like tht, actually i'm v.expressive..only i'll try as hard as i can not to show it...actually, true as well. Only certain ppl who knew me will know wht i'm actually feeling, even tho i tried to hide it. Then also tht I'm v.responsible for everything I said.. super true. Last thing she said is the one tht makes me happy..hehe tht i'm humble n tht makes a lot of ppl know and remember me. :) I really do love myself! heheee...
A bit funny thing was tht I was talking w. my ex when Lydia suddenly came up behind me and started to pat me on the back. I was shocked actually. It really was like..she can read my mind, bcos I felt a bit sad and nostalgic tht time. What an interesting day..hmm.
butterfly effect
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Rode this unbelieveably super nice horse called Fortuner yesterday morning.
Soo..perfect! I jumped him over a few low fences (he's just started 2b trained for jumping).. and he was sooo nice!! super soft strides :) heavenly.
Also jumped Kim & Chief. Both being the perfect angels as they always be. Had had a very satisfying jumping session with all of them yesterday. Keep me smiling all day :) hehee..
butterfly effect
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Small surprise
It's always nice when someone told you that someone liked you. :)
butterfly effect
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
What lies behind
It is funny how sometimes you think you know someone really well, then you discovered a shocking truth that lies beneath.
I can say that when I found out abt it, I was Both of us were speechless. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind, all the time I kept asking myself how come I didn't realise it sooner. I felt like crying, for she must be really2 hurt that time..and I wasn't there for her. How come? Why??? why oh why.. Seriously, thanks God she got a lot of friends who were there with her that time. Otherwise, if I'm her..I might jump off from the top of the building or sth..and if it's not enough, she had experienced a very similar loss..twice. oh my God..
Yesterday I went straight to dian's place, and told her. She was as shocked and speechless as I was. We were so dumbfounded and..well, shocked to the core of our inner being practically. Until now.
"You already know the truth. You just have to allow it."
butterfly effect
Friday, September 01, 2006