Saturday, October 27, 2007

Stress response

Yesterday morning we had a lecturer from Hammersmith hospital, about stress response thingy in animals and how it affects their physiology.Interestingly, there are different types of stress in which am not gonna talk abt it in here since its long winded. One thing i remembered was that he said us, as final year students are more likely to be in this type of constant stress, but not over the threshold. Also that our body can cope with stress just fine as long as after each period of stress, it has to find a way to go back to the relaxed, happy state for a bit..before it can survive yet another period of stress.
Me : 'thank goodness for horses' (Loki in particular)
One of my classmate : 'oh no... how can i stop stressing, i am stressed all day.'
Me : *grinning*

anyway, point is...thank God i have horses :)
another note, I've finally decided I will do my masters. Yay. One decision made. Whereabouts are still not sure, but I'm going to apply to a few universities and probably go and visit the unis. Anyone for Potters Bar or Silwood park?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Roller-skaters :)

Roller-skating disco was FUN!!
Irma managed to convince me to dressed up in 80-90's legging/brightly coloured tops/leg-warmers (initally I was planning to throw on my usual outfit of jeans and tshirts, for the sake of convenience since I've never rollerskated I was all prepared to take a lot of trip and falls). So here we go, 6 girls in a complete 80's we walked to the roller-skate disco which situated nicely only 3 min walk from our apartment.
1st impression : so eighties!!
music : oldies pop (my absolute fav.. yep, me love old school type music)
sooo... after 10-15 min fumbling around wt the skates.. we all managed to skate more or less pretty ok. Sasha was there which was good since she used to be a pro ice-skater back in Malaysia (really cool).
but it was so so fun! i liked it!!! will def. drag more ppl to go there next time.. the addition thats its just across our place is even better :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Seharian drumah.. hmm produktif juga siy, tadi siang ngerjain essay lab reports gw..tdur siang, trus malemnya bangun dan research ttg buat apply masters courses. Dapet toastie lagi buat makan malem dari kote, hehe..lengkap d stay drumah gw sharian ini. Bingung oh bingung...
mau apply ke yang mana yah taun depan??
yang gw suka course nya..jauh banget kampusnya..
yang coursenya yaa okelah, baru deh kampusnya di deket2 sini..
ga mau ninggalin london tercinta ini hehe.. dan flatmates gw tersayang juga :) haha

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Tadi temen gw ada yang nanya, cape ga sih suka ama seseorang yang ga bisa ngebales perasaan kita ? ..
gw jadi mikir, itu cerita gw banget..
dari dulu ampe skarang.. kadang gw mikir kok gw ga cape2 yah suka ama orang yang salah mulu, di timing yang paling salah pula
tapi.. gw mikir lagi, ga kok rasa suka ke seseorang itu, ga bikin cape. sucks memang apalagi kalo orang yg loe suka itu uda punya ce/co lain. tapi..menyukai seseorang itu ga bikin cape. not at all, aneh ya?
ahh mungkin gw memang terlalu suka ber-day dream

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Self-esteem gw lagi bagus nih akhir2 ini. senang. Tadi gw baru abis baca2 blog entry gw dari taun lalu..beda yah, kynya yg skrg2 ini gw lebih sering nulis ttg apa yg gw dgn dulu dimana gw nulis apa yg gw lakuin sehari-hari. Merasa content deh saya akhir2 ini. which is bagus bgt :) jadi makin seneng deh gw dengan diri gw yang skarang ini. I like myself more now hehe.. sepertinya dalam setaun ini gw merasa banyak berubah. well, mentally of course. kalo di sum up ya gw uda ngrasain yang namanya bersenang-senang di awan (biarpun belum tinggi bgt di awannya..untungnya) trus langsung jatuh ke basement terbawah. yang ya iyalah sucks tingkat tinggi sekaliii tapi jadi bikin gw beda aja.. itu ngerubah diri gw in a way yang gw juga ga tau dan ga bisa describe seperti apa. tapi its towards the good ones. Nah itu kan baru satu..yang satu lagi, gw uda ngerasain juga gimana rasanya kalo, umm..rada susah memberi metafora utk yang satu ini. hm..kaya misalnya ada orang mau ngasi loe es krim cokelat, nah es krim itu ditaro di depan mata loe..tapi tiap mau loe ambil, eh makin jauh dan makin jauhh aja. Nah nyebelin juga kan tuh, tapi yang ini juga uda somehow ngerubah gw deh..dan untuk yang ini, gw bisa bilang kalo gw emang uda done dengan dia. Gw nyadar kemaren, pas dimana gw bisa dengan cueknya ngobrol ama dia..trus dengan ga tau dirinya minta pinjem jkt dia krn dingin anginnya(ini mengingat gw uda ga ngomong ama dia sejak uhmm.. 4-5 bulan kalo ga salah. tips : ga ketemu orang yang loe pengen hapusin dari pikiran loe, cara termanjur!)
ya gitu deh sekedar apa yg gw rasain skrg.. rada random memang, maap buat yang ga ngerti maksud dan tujuan dari post gw ini heheh

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A place that I can always call home

Tadi gw baru baca blog temen berkuda gw, mia & nadia..dan dsitu mereka mention Fesol. Jadi keinget, masi ga percaya gw rasanya kl Fesol uda pergi duluan ninggalin kita semua. tp gw jg yakin kok sol, u'll still be watching us from above there rite :) Anyway, gw cuma mendadak jadi kangen aja ama temen2 berkuda di indo.. Its with you guys that i grew up. Banyak deh ga bisa gw sebutin satu2 loe smua, tapi dipikir2 bener juga.. bbrp waktu lalu gw lagi crita2 ama artati, n kita ngomongin tempat yg we can truly call home. Sampe skarang (ditambah dgn gw skolah di london skrg..) beneran loh jadi bingung sebenernya gw ngrasa kya punya 2 rumah di 2 dunia yg berbeda gitu, London & Jakarta. Jangankan 2 rumah, diri gw sendiri aja slightly beda kok disini dan di indo. Tapi ada satu tempat yg selalu bisa gw rasa kaya pulang kerumah sendiri, satu tempat di jakarta.. Trijaya :) biarpun hampir semua, malah uda semua kali yah..temen2 berkuda seangkatan gw termasuk pelatih, groom n kuda2 kita semua uda ga di trijaya lagi..but still thats the one place where i've been to for almost every day of the week for 6-7 years. Tiap balik indo pasti gw suka main kesana lagi, liat2 kuda2 skolah yg dulu suka gw naikin..Kencana (kuda pertama yg gw pake tanding, dulu aja dia uda 15-17 taun..he must be like 25-28 yrs old now). trus groom2 yg masi ada, dan yah bernostalgia aja gitu. dan diitung2, gw uda naik kuda skitar 13 taun skarang, uda lebih dari 1/2 hidup gw yah..hehe (kan gw skrg umur 21). Nostalgic banget kalo inget2 jaman dulu tiap hari minggu pagi jam 8, group lesson ama om james bareng tasha putri sammy alyssa.. ah those sweet old times :) kangen.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


One word : dental treatment here are much better compared to the ones back home :) It didnt hurt at all!!
and just now whilst I was walking back from the dentist to library, I had a sudden vision of myself living in Fulham road, working and actually living here sometime in the future.
Nice, cool weather makes me loves London more.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

This time of the year

Actually to think of it, this year I had much more free time on my timetable compared to last year's. Animal behaviour module is also the one module i've been waiting for impatiently ever since I was a fresher. Studywise, not much problem. I guess we really REALLY need to get our interenet connection up and runnning asap at our new flat, otherwise, I can't do my work at home. Starting to get quite fed up having to stay in college searching for journals and saving them to read later at home whilst I actually can just go home and do it IF only BT will get our phone line sorted!
And these days, with all these companies presentations to makes me feel like its A-level all over again, all the shiny prospectuses of universities were equal to the shiny booklet from each company, being given to us..soon-to-be graduates who are currently at a very confused state in what to do after they graduate. At least I'm not the only one.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Good signs that happier days are more and gloomy days are less recently. Sometimes problems from people around you affect your mood. Also living here, back in London, means it is back to my normal routine where all my activity is well..centered on me really. We're all nicely sorted in our new flat now. St.George Wharf. Damn nice view.. I had resumed my usual jogging routine along the river, with occasional stops to London eye when I feels like it, but most of the times I like this small tiny park near the Albert embankment. I like to organise my thoughts when running, but I can't switch off like when I'm riding. Riding is the best because I always automatically switch off all other thoughts when riding :) oh for the note, Loki is getting FAT. I mean really, but he's still Loki. He nipped me when he saw me again for the first time, that's his way of saying hi. Went on a shopping spree in Frogpool Manor today wt Hazwan (thanks LOTS for driving me there and waiting te!), I've been thinking to go there since last year as I needed to renew most of my riding kits (e.g : my poor GPA helmet which I bought in 2001 and been through some really hard falls since then). My best item today : new long tall black leather boots :) ! yays! I used to had one pair of them made-to-order-but-didnt-fit, left them back home as cant be bothered to lug them all the way here. And i got new bridle for dear Zinnie! hope she can fit to it nicely :) its brown and smelt like fresh new leather. Now I really want to go back home and ride my horses.....if only someone can ship them all here maybe? yeah i wish lol.

Aneh ya, gw kok bisa sih kangen sama orang yang bahkan gw contact tiap hari aja ga.
Tapi bener deh, kangen amat sangat!! kalo mau tidur, yg gw bayang2in dia.. kalo lagi bengong, dia lagi. lagi masak, dia juga. lagi denger lagu, dia lagi dan lagi.. astagaa, dulu ga separah ini lho.
Kalo gw pikir dengan menyeluruh..sebenernya gw ga bisa pinpoint exactly apa sih yang bisa bikin gw ga bisa ngehapusin orang yang satu ini dari pikiran gw. Bener ga bisa. ga nemu tepatnya.
Jeleknya tau smua. Baiknya, gw juga tau. Dongo2nya..itu apalagi, tau dgn super baik dah gw. Tapi kok bisa yah ampe skarang pun dia masi adaaa aja di pikiran gw ? ada yang bisa ngasi jawaban mungkin ?
bener deh kata Jack Johnson di lagunya, he's a fortunate fool. bener bangett..
dan satu lagu lagi (juga dari si pak Johnson), better together (kalo ini sih yang gw mau yah haha).