Random list of things that never fails to put a smile on my face :
1. A cup of English Breakfast tea with milk
2. The smell of just-cooked rice
3. Chief of Staff
4. Soya milk
5. The crisp, cold morning air when the sun just rises
6. The smell of freshly laundried clothes
7. Paul's hot chocolate
8. Horses
9. Dalmatians
10. Shadow of the Wind - a book
11. Zinnie and Kimberly
12. My blue and extra large Imperial basketball sweater
13. Pulled a good, fast jump-off round
14. A long run along the river in the morning
15. My pink laptop
16. Teapigs' rooibos caramel tea
17. Egg tarts
18. Sour Sally green tea yogurt with oreo
19. Sweet dream wishes
20. Apple crumble with custard cream
Friday, November 27, 2009
butterfly effect
Friday, November 27, 2009
Days passed by so quickly !! i start to feel like i'm wasting my life awayyyy.. oh no :( because everyone else is already doing something. And i'm just here waiting..
butterfly effect
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Watched then 2nd movie of Twilight - New Moon today. The cinema was packed with screaming teenage girls!! well the movie still did not do the book justice, but it was enjoyable =) Kirsten Stewart is definitely a good actress. She played Bella very well I think.
butterfly effect
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tongue on fire
Aaaahhh getting realllllyy bored! I don't know why but seeing all the Christmas-sy decorations, songs and music on tv made me feel super sentimental :*( .Had a longg sleep yesterday night, then jogged to Yaya and Astari's place in the morning. Stayed there until well past noon. Yaya cooked THE spiciest noodle I have ever eaten in my entire life. It is VERY VERY SPICY. Had tears in my eyes, runny nose and red face ..tasted super nice when you are eating it, but afterwards when you really had the time to savour the taste, it sets your mouth on fire. literally. Took a nice afternoon nap on their sofa. Then went back home..was thinking to walk along Thames, changed my mind cos it looks like it was going to rain so I took bus 77 instead. Reach home..then spent the rest of the afternoon on msn and skype. Miss Mira! I haven't seen her for about 2 days. Flat feels empty with no one. I think I really cannot live alone. Need someone to be with me, it doesn't have to be close friend/boyfriend or family. Just other people to be around. :(
butterfly effect
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Egg mayo
I think my anger has subsidised :) that's cool. Yesterday I was pissed off (again) - i know emotional rollercoaster these few days, pretty bad eh. Because a friend and a friend's girlfriend were just so... unreasonable!! I started to think maybe there are very few normal people who still exists actually.
Went to vent out my emotion during capoeira class yesterday with Manda.. then went back to her place to say hi to her parents and had dinner. It reminds me back then in TarQ during high school, where we always went to her house for lunch before basketball practice after school. I miss those times. It was 9 years ago !!
Anyway on an unrelated note, I was just eating egg mayo for breakfast - it reminds me of the time when we had to pick up Simon and his parents from the airport super duper early in the morning. Good times though. We drove to Oxford afterwards not too long ago. Excellent scenery with the yellowing autumn leaves :)
butterfly effect
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Great expectations
From now on, I will have high expectations of myself but no expectations from people around me. I hate to be dissapointed again. Cause I love you people too much! I admit I am too nice sometime, I can't help it..it's my nature. But I have learned, unpleasant as it was but now I know. So i'll put up my guard a little bit more from now on. And yesterday I was touched by you all who remembered that I had a phone interview, who called/text to wish me luck even though you are at work, in uni or was ill at home. Thank you :).
butterfly effect
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
That is twice in a week
Sometimes. People you thought you know well. Actually you don't. And the ones you thought know you less, actually knows you more. Confusing statements? My answer would only be 'been there, done that'. And not just once, twice !! twice in the span of three days. Thank goodness you came for a visit yesterday. Cheers me up and made me calmer :)
I am not in the brightest mood these days, and no don't worry i'm not depressed. I'm just being sentimental.. and missing home a lot too. Strange huh, the me I know for the past seven years hardly (if ever) misses home. Perhaps the fact that Irma is actually going back home for good does actually made me realize how long have I myself been away from home. Seven years hmm.. I wonder at times, that the ones who made your world are your friends. Many of my good friends are no longer here in London.. many have moved on, graduated, found a job, get married. Ok, more than half ARE still here though. I wonder where will I be on this day, a year on.
butterfly effect
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I should have been preparing. but i don't feel like it. wonder why. A few days ago I had discovered something that still made me mad when I think about it now. Well, to be honest I did not have much expectations of him/her anyway, so I was not too surprised when I heard about what you said. But stil grrrr...(feel like throwing my flipflop to you). On a happier note, going for dimsum today yay :) i have not eaten dimsum for a while. Last time was before Meiting left for Singapore. And I had a really good quality time yesterday with Dewi. So all in all this weekend seems to be a good one, for the exception of me discovering what you said. Which still kind of made me mad.
butterfly effect
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
-Will Shakespeare
butterfly effect
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Purple Rain
I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
-a song by Prince (can't get this song out of my head at the moment.. )-
butterfly effect
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Yesterday was Louisa's birthday :) happy birthday hun!
It's another chilly Sunday morning, Mira just woke up and I'm surfing the net in the living room as usual. I woke up quite early this morning, had a bite to eat then went back to bed. Friends are coming over for dinner later hehe.. Simon's coming from Oxford, so we all decided just to gather at my place for a meal. The flat's a bit empty now without Irma around..I miss her! I think i realise now that people do go their own way,,and there is nothing much you can do about it except wish them well in their new beginnings ~
butterfly effect
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Lake District ~
Some of the photos from the much-belated trip last month to Lake District :) Really pretty. Wonderful scenery. Especially loves the lake when its near sunset, or when its foggy - they give you that kind of mysterious, eerie atmosphere.. Rented a car from London, took us about 5 hr drive in total. Four of us, for four days and three nights. Discovered this amazing little hostel called Conniston Coppermines. Located at the foot of Mount Coniston, it only has 3 bedrooms.. Soo quaint, clean and simple.
butterfly effect
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Hello winter
Brr.. its SO COLD today - I went out wearing my winter coat this morning, but stupidly decided to wear pumps. Result = frozen feet, warm upper body. Seriously, it is like London weather has decided to go from summer --> winter all of a sudden. Typical British weather. Anyway, nothing much exciting at work today. I was feeling a bit out of sorts when I woke up thus decided to take it easy today. My immune system is way low these days.. I hardly got sick usually, not in winter especially. Went back home around 5ish, ate dinner then went out again at 9ish to meet Dewi in China town at our usual spot, the Candy Cafe :) Bubble tea and chicken wings as late-night snacks. I was bundled up wearing my fluffy boots, Imperial riding club jacket which IS the warmest clothing ever, plus woolen hat and woolen sweater. Had a good long chat with Dewi hehe.. I miss her, she just came back from Hongkong for holiday. Thus haven't had much chance to see each other lately. It's quite refreshing sometime to have a talk with someone outside your usual circle of friends.
butterfly effect
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Chocolate overdose
I think I had a chocolate-overdose today :) not that i'm complaining of. Well the day start with me being lazy in my pyjamas, surfing the internet and talking on skype with Thia/gmail chat with Inka... Initial habit to go and jog was abandoned due to the downpour we had earlier today (yeap, typical London weather - dull and grey on a supposedly sunny Sunday). Went out after lunch to meet up with Yaya and Astari in Regent Street - initially thought there was a photo exhibition but then turned out it wasn't an exhibition, but just a gallery; where Yaya went and bought a few copies of photography-related textbooks. Iko joined us there, then off we go for tea at Paul's. Paul's hot chocolate is still the best I've tasted so far - so thick and just the right amount of bitterness :) I dislike too-sweet and too-milky hot chocolates.
Sat there for 2-3 hours, then a few other friends joined us there. They went off for dinner in Bayswater (duck rice!) but I had some leftover food I wanted to finish, thus I went back home. Had dinner just now whilst talking to Thia... such a peaceful feeling to end this weekend :) the smell of just-cooked rice, a steaming mug of chrysanthemum tea with a touch of honey and a friend to talk to.
butterfly effect
Sunday, November 01, 2009