I think nowadays i'm getting more and more lazy..
which might b a good thing since everyone always says i work too hard. I think so too sometimes, but I can't help it. I always try to please ppl, and usually put aside my own needs. Which in theory is really good, but I think sometimes you have to b selfish and just put your happiness first..why? hmm because who else can love yourself as much as you do. I got this idea frm Magda today, cos she was talking why ppl shouldn't complain abt their looks. Well, honestly i think its perfectly normal why most ppl aren't satisfied abt their looks..wish they were slimmer/taller/etc etc..because its just in our nature. Humans are never satisfied. We always want more than what we already have. True. I used to b like tht as well.. but these days everytime i start to think why i'm not taller/thinner etc, I just remind myself that i'm lucky 2 b healthy, plus this body had already taken me horse riding/climb up to sinai/went diving down to 27 m in the red sea.. well, it carried me through. So yah, just try to tk care & love yourself i guess. Plus also watching grey's anatomy make me realise how easily things can go extremely wrong in your body.
oh well.. i need 2 sleep .. brain is not really working.
Monday, October 30, 2006
butterfly effect
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Daylight saving time
Thanks to daylight saving time, yesterday we all had to wait almost 1hr for our taxi!! damn. Yesterday worked till 2..,then as usual Bola booked us taxis 2 get home. Well, turns out e taxi driver FORGOT tht time has moved back 1hr..so all of us ended up waiting n waiting n tried to call the stupid taxi company who claims its not their fault. Omg.
Plus this morning the internet connection in my room sucks.. so can't do the lab report. Might need to go to school soon =( Can't wait till we get proper internet nxt week!
Yesterday was pretty good actually. Went for dimsum with silvia, yan, irma, artati, and a few of our juniors frm concord. Catching up etc. Then went selfridges to look for Pang's bday present. Also after tht went shopping ard a bit by myself, got a nice top frm river island which was on sale, yay. hehe. Then at nite do a 9 1/2 hr bloody long long shift on floor..Also got an unexpected phone call frm kevin, which was a bit random. Asking me n irma to go out for dinner with him, baim, dadit, rizal.. Quite a nice surprise since haven't seen them in a while. Oh well, anyway..gonna go n try to do some work now. Oh also sam just told me that I can hv another jumping lesson this Wed..yayyy! so happy.
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Friday morning
Life's been pretty nice n relaxing these few days. With school getting more n more slack.. like today only got chinese & pract 2-5pm =) Not bad at all I think. Plus also I got a more or less nice shifts for work this weekend. Might b really busy tho cos apparently there's a new movie coming up(?). Called up my mom yesterday, after like..ages haven't call back. She seems fine. Too bad i'll miss ko abdi's wedding this week =( Then cie elvi's wedding nxt month. I had missed out on all of my cousins' wedding!! ko marvi's last yr, also cie eva's 2 yrs ago. Damn. Can't believe they're all getting married already now. It's not like I'm a big fan of weddings (plus watching a very very bad movie called Last Kiss, doesn't help), but I like to b there for them..cos well, ya it's apparently supposed 2b one of the happiest day in their lives, right.
Yesterday went for a nice indian meal & walked along river Thames at night. it's sooo nice =) thx lex! Also saw this artist who drew horse sketches..pretty nice drawings, really. The horse he drew reminded me of Gus. I wonder, so say everyday he drew a few sketches..then sold each at around 5-10quid. Then what if one day nobody buys? then he got no money for the day, so can't eat. Hmm.. nvm, my mind just wanders.
Anyway, yep gtg now.. gonna go for a run then off to school.
butterfly effect
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Achmad's 21st
achmad's 21st bday! at artati's place..lots of soju,sushi (thx 2 pat!), salmon, sate,cakes! thx to ti's fabulously well cooked dishes *grins
butterfly effect
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Days seems to pass by sooo fast nowadays. Now it's already Monday again.. Weekends were filled with work, work , work. Work was fun tho, cos it was busy..so long shifts are ok. I can do long hrs as long as its busy. Feels like i've never been away at all frm the cinema. Oh also now got a very yummy new ice cream in baskin, love potion! white choc & strawberry wth chunks of choco chips! hehehe...=)
Yesterday watched History Boys, which was..hmm.. a stagnant movie? seems like got no beginning/climax/ending. Wanna watch Last Kiss! dunno why tht movie was sold out from fri-sat-sun, cos if u see frm the story, it seems just like a normal chick-flick movie.
Today is Lebaran!! Met lebaran bwt yg ngrayain yaa..my dear friends back home mostly. Went to Wisma Nusantara in East Finchley after lectures 2day. Omg, it's freakishly FAR! Apparently it is where they always celebrate Lebaran every yr. It was also where our ambassador lives. No wonder, Annissa always complain if we wanna meet up in central, cos where she lives is bloody far far away. The houses ard tht area is all so nice! reminds me of an area in central jakarta, where all e rich ppl lives. Met up wt irma, artati, mira, frida, fiq, baim etc,..kevin & anissa. Felt a bit guilty to kev for not coming for PPIL commitee meeting on Sat, but tht nite I was working anyway. You know, I just realised actually there are LOADS of indo ppl in London 2day.. today it was like a huge wedding reception (plus I felt incredibly bright cos I was wearing a yellow top, whilst 90 % others r in black~), wth all the women with kebaya, indo songs, indo languages..& the best, indo FOOD! sometimes actually even tho jkt will always b home, but now i start to feel like england is home too. Esp shrewsbury, every yr if i went back there to visit Mrs.Seaward, coming back 2 concord really feels like coming home.
These days my days are pretty busy.. sometimes i feel a bit like an introvert tho, cos in weeknds i'm working. When I got a free day, usually i prefer to spend a bit of time alone. Also been thinking tht most of the times, your heart and logic just don't corresponds..hmm. Yesterday morning went for a long jog to big ben/london eye/jubilee bridge. The best part was when I was running along Thames path, big ben & river thames along my left hand side.. and rows of trees with yellowish leaves on the right. In that moment I realised, simply that London is pretty =)
butterfly effect
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Coming back
Today was my 1st day back in the cinema =)
wah.. most of the things still the same.. a few things changed.
So happy 2 see most of my friends again..
Can't believe its been 4 mths ago since last time I worked there.
A bit puzzled why bio seems so slack nowadays..got more and more free time than ever. I think my chinese course is even more work compared 2 bio course. 2nd yr supposed to b more work..right, but anyway i'm not complaining. Less work is always better..hehe
Was chatting wt dian just now. A bit funny how her life and mine seems to be facing very similar problems these days lol..it's like parallel lives on both sides of the world.
butterfly effect
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
You know, sometimes when you are looking for something, then you think you found it..then it turns out that, yeah you did find something, but it is the fucking wrong thing. Not very good, right? no, seriously, it is not.
Well, excluding from that..I think life's been in the pretty bright side lately.. Can't believe I actually resigned from Auntie Anne after only 1 mth. This must've been one of my shortest employment record ever. but i'm honestly relieved. The job was easy, not as tiring as cinema. BUT it is boring.. long shift.. and i dunno, i just don't really enjoy doing it. It really makes me think, after i graduate.. i better do a job that i really love.. otherwise, it'll be hell as u'll be stuck doing that job for what..th next 20-30 yrs on? so yep, i will do sth that i really like, which is any work with horses. Can't wait for Wed to get my weekly dose of horses =)
"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man" -Sir Winston Churchill-
butterfly effect
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Not feeling well =(
woke up wth a sore throat & annoying headache.. must've caught the flu bugs frm irma i guess.. *sigh. plus got to work later frm 2-9..hopefully shop won't b too crowded
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Happily happy
Today is so relaxing! i think never feel this relaxed since school started :) yay.. cos got no work today (Sneh gave me a day off..and tmr is my last shift at Auntie Anne's). Claire was supposed 2 come yesterday, but she fell sick so oh well..prob nxt time then, quite dissapointed as i was really looking fwd 2 see her.
Yesterday nite ate a yummy dinner! probably the most proper meal i had since last week..Alex n ninghan came over after lab. lex cooked pork chop n ninghn made sweet corn desert, whilst i made.. a new & interesting style of mashed potato. Plus got my fridge full 4 e nxt 2-3 days ;)
anyhow, had a good time yesterday.
This morning woke up feeling v.lazy, but somehow free.. as got nothing 2 do for the whole day! went to ti's place, starbucks n lunch w alex,walked ard oxf st..saw this nice pair of ankle boots in Dorothy perkins & jacket in ted baker.. hmm. i'm in the shopping mood nowadays. oh no, i think now i work more n actually spend more. indulging myself lol.
butterfly effect
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
A little pick-me-up
Sometimes when u don't expect it, a friend of yours did small little things tht makes you feel touched. Yesterday my flatmate waited & called when i didn't get back home when it's alrd quite late..then she even wait up for me (even tho in the end i decided not to come home at all..since it was already 4am, and it's bloody far to go back home from Hank's place). So spend d nite there, n when i came home this morning, found out tht she & her boyfriend had cooked me a nice supper n desert. :) wah..somehow that small little thing she did just made me feel happy all day long today.
I think sometimes i took my friends, esp the old ones, for granted..which i shouldn't really. Friends, they're all super precious. ok ok, gtg sleep now.. was chatting w.Claire just now. Can't wait to see her on friday!! she's definitely coming to london!!! yayy..Oh also now so far got 16 ppl who wants to try out for the riding team!! and some of them seems to b really2 good riders, got this one girl who's been riding for 16yrs (i've only been riding for 12 yrs), also this other girl who's taken a gap yr and devoted all her time to train other ppl's horses (my dream job in the future hehe)..so happy!! i was initally afraid we won't have enough ppl in the team this yr, as we only got 4 ppl left (me,liv,kat,sam)..and we need 8 riders in the team. but now things seems to b looking rather good hehe.
oh btw, now i'm getting better in making coffees! can make latte/cappucinno/espresso/americano..only am still crap in twisting the pretzels, somehow they always ended up not twisted. lol
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Dapple grey
I always had a fetish for dapple grey horses, and Ezra is one of the sweetest horses i've ever known! He got an extremely comfy, flowing canter. His only problem is tht he tends block his hind legs in trot, causing the impulsion not flowing from behind like wht its suppose 2b. Much better compared to Todd, which got a really good impulsion, but needs a lot of leg. I think currently i've been getting better & better horses in lessons. Last time term I thought Black Jack, Trio, n Gus were really good already for a riding school standard.. but then this term since we got Adam as our new team trainer, he gave us much more advanced horses. Which is way more preferable, cos they're all way more fun and exciting to ride..Like today, Ezra tried to test me as we were cantering nicely and did some nice half-pirouettes, he decided to suddenly spooked at the sight of Kim carrying jumping poles. Which were totally just out of mischief, as he's an experienced jumper and already saw those poles a million times before. Lucky I reacted fast enough, otherwise i would've ended up on the ground.. He reminds me of Chief tho, the way he will always keeps u on your toes. As the minute your mind wanders off, he'll do sth to remind you that he wants your full attention, all the time, every single step, when you're riding him.
butterfly effect
Thursday, October 05, 2006