Monday, April 30, 2007
butterfly effect
Monday, April 30, 2007
Can't believe i've skipped a whole chunk of virology lectures!! thats why i thought why virology so few lectures only..this is for skipping too many lectures last term :( *sigh
scolding myself when i realised it. Yesterday i read an article which said that apparently a person with an O blood type is suggested to eat lots of protein & little carbo, also that they make good leaders, very social, and not easily stressed. :)
butterfly effect
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
butterfly effect
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
butterfly effect
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
butterfly effect
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Just successfully spend 1 hr doing nothing productive whilst my initial plan was to finish doing biblio for my dissertation. logging on msn can really makes you forget the time lol.
Loki threw his left hind shoe off this morning. When i just mounted today, i can feel that his left hind shoe was loose. Then we galloped in the wood, so of course it nearly came off but he doesn't seem to mind it that much really. Don't ask how i can feel that his shoe nearly came off whilst i'm riding him, i just knew. If you've been riding long enough, you can just know if something feel not right when you get on the horse. Like, say the horse is limping..just by sitting on him or seeing from the ground, you'll be able to tell instantly which leg it is. I remember when i was really young, I was watching in amazement when i saw my trainer can immediately tell which leg the horse was favoring. but now its so easy to tell.. we just know. us,horse people :)
butterfly effect
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Biarkan pelangi pergi bersama hujan, masih banyak jutaan awan putih di langit yang setia menemani bumi mengelilingi matahari setiap harinya :)
butterfly effect
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I wonder why the mass shooting massacre that happened at Virgina Tech University got so much coverage ? Ok, it is bad.. 32 ppl died bcos of one disturbed (mentally?) student from South Korean. The thing that crossed my mind is, will this kind of thing will still get as much coverage and attention from the world if say, it happens in some far away, poor, undeveloped country ? even say, i'm quite sure if it happens in my home country, it wouldn't get the same amount of media attention. Strange. People die every second. Millions (well maybe not millions, but a lot). Because of poverty,diseases etc..or even from group conflicts like it had happened so many times back home.Conflicts between races, religion, political belief.and stuff. And yet, i guess there are just too many people back home so our government got too much going on to handle if a few people dies, so what. That's actually quite true, becos when I was younger I had this habit of always, always read the criminal and murder section in the papers and magazines back home. Everyday (until now) there are lots of people being killed and all, yet it was treated as a normal everyday things. Here, for example, if a guy got stabbed somewhere in, u can right away saw that news make a the headline in the free afternoon papers. And yea, a lot of death in this past week i guess. From the sudden, shocking death of my grandma's younger sister 2 days ago which left us shocked, and also my aunt's father in law passed away on the same day. I may not be close to both of them, but just what a bad coincidence.
butterfly effect
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
butterfly effect
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Can't believe yesteday i spent the night watching pussycat dolls audition on youtube with irma & mira. Irma's habit of watching reality shows that kind of thing had kinda catched up with me hehe. Today was HOT. Took cold cold nice shower just now, the good thing is cinema was practically dead so i cashed up early today :)
2 more weeks finally until i quit cinema. Oh well not so bad i guess. The longest, most horrible shifts were over..which was these three days. I've been sleeping soo well these few days (after some weird period of i-cant-fall-asleep-before-3am last week) and weather's been as perfect as london can be. Life's good for the exception of dissertation and revision to do.
butterfly effect
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Happiness and sunny days!
the only thing that was a burden of mind these past few days is work
luckily yesterday u decided to finally, finally resign (again) yes true. So my last shift will be next Friday. The worst part was telling Magda and my other friends in the cinema. but they all say, hey its ok bcos you have to prioritise things which are important in your life right now. I do realise that i'm not been so good in prioritising (is that how you spell it?) nowadays. My schedule's been always too freaking full..sometimes i feel like i cant even breathe... and the worst when i started to have troubles sleeping, thats when i know i've been too stressed out. Its like now, i have my parents for the next 1-2weeks (i do love them very much when they come over to visit me yays), dissertation, riding. Work just cant fit into it anymore, ive got enough of it. Frankly speaking, moneywise im always ok. Work is just a way for me to make extra money so i wont feel guilty if i shop a bit too much. So yeah, this is a final farewell to the cinema i guess. This time, i wont be coming back there again. I do still love my friends tho, and im sure a few of them i will definitely keep in touch.
On additional note, ive been touched by people who replied on a recent post of mine in facebook :) thanks guys. sometimes the people whom you are not quite close to can actually give a fresh advice and new point of views on certain things. It clears up things.
butterfly effect
Friday, April 13, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I'm happy that we can be honest now :)
life's getting better
butterfly effect
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
i cannot sleep !!!
why why why.. yesterday i didnt slept at all too (as in who can actually sleep in the airport)..i slept for 6 hrs on the plane from new york to london. I came home, then tried to sleep from 3 am until now 6 am in the morning and I am STILL awake!!!
i never never got jet-lagged this bad..
this is the first time, and i hate it :(
Not sleeping makes me think about 1001 things.. trying to fall asleep..from daydreaming, to making lists of things i wanted to buy..places where to take my parents..and finally my thought went back to him. Its funny how since I talked to him a lot through msn these past few weeks, i kinda miss him. Simple, yet true. Weird huh? its been so long but yet somehow he's still one of the few people who never fails to present to me the answers when i needed it. Thanks! :) (and yeap lucky he didnt blog nor did he reads blogs, otherwise i wouldnt dare to write this down) dan saran dia yang akhir2 ini jadi motto hidup gw yaitu selalu, always, jujur ama diri gw sendiri..its a good GOOD advice girls. Keep in mind okie :) anyways I'll be seeing him in a few months tho when i'm back home in indo, then we will definitely go and do some adventours again hehe. We talked about maybe cycling from jakarta to the beach.Wish Andra will be back too the same time this summer, lintang too.. then all the overseas people..hey lets come back home at the same time this summer? so we can meet up? especially those of you my dear friends in aussie.
i totally give up trying to sleep
it sunrise already
butterfly effect
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sweet child
Yays...i'm back home in London :)
States was exciting, but after being away for 2 weeks, yeap i admit i do miss london. I was talking to delphine just now, then when i said i think of London as my home..she replied tht it was strange, cos it is not my country. but nothing can erase the smile off my face today as i stepped into my lovely flat, put down my freaking heavy (its the heaviest ever!) backpack..then took a long cold shower..ahh pure bliss *grins. Home sweet home. Plus as usual irma has left something in the fridge for me to eat and tidy up (literally,she mira n hazwan cleaned up the whole flat, it was super shiny..they even clean the windows! *claps), she's the best ever :) ! Now i got the whole flat for me and my parents only until thursday..then irma n her parents will b back from germany. So so good talking n catching up with my parents today!!! I miss them a lot these days.. hehe happy happy. I know most of the times i tell ppl that i'm not very close to my parents...but there are days when i just feel like back to being a child and in those days i long to be back home with my parents with nothing to worry.
I am a loved child :)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Cherry Blossom
Kemaren gw baru ngomong2 ma yaya n dian ttg hal yang akhir2 ini bisa ampe bikin gw ga tidur coba. Bener juga kata orang, temen itu pasti bakal dukung dan slalu ada di blakang loe untuk semua hal2 yang loe putusin untuk loe jalanin...ya ga kawan2x..? dan itu bikin gw bisa senyum dengan lega dan berani untuk melakukan sesuatu yang harusnya uda gw jalanin dari dulu2. trimakasi kawan2.. :)
Ok i switch to english now.. hehe..sometimes there r things which are easier to write in indo :) Im still in washington dc now.. will b heading off to new york really soon (in which i dont think i can go back online till im home in dear london). Washington is full of CHERRY BLOSSOM trees! damn pretty!!!!!
it makes me feel like im in Japan :)
me and meiting took LOADS of pics of the cherry blossom trees.. then lots lots of other pretty pic off all the monuments. Washington is really a 'sightsee' city i guess. Pentagon couldn't go in :( so dissapointed. It was like my childhood dream to go and see least i went to the spy museum, which satisfies all my curiosity about the spy and CIA and intelligence world hehe.
butterfly effect
Friday, April 06, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Greetings from the states!
helloo..i'm in washington dc now!
so far..states is great!!
New york is massive! times square, chinatown, rockefeller, central park..loads of more interesting places & i shop a lot! (my backpack is so so full ...dunno how to carry all the stuff home..err)
Boston was relaxing and nice :) stayed in YWCA hostel, which was the best!
got tv room..n all we did was watching tv.. at night. haha
Then Quincy Market with all the chowder soup and peanut butter ice cream.. heavenly :)
This morning supposed to go around washington.. but end up playing internet haha due to rainy and gloomy weather outside =(
This trip was fun so far!
but i still prefer england compared to the states haha.. maybe i've been living in uk for far too long :)
butterfly effect
Wednesday, April 04, 2007