Just came back from Reading for the weekend!
wheeee soo happy !!
got my much needed horse dosage thereee
Visited Nadia, stayed at her place and had fab dinner last nite
This morning went to ride her horses in Paul's yard, i rode Joanna. the grumpy, yet pretty and sweet jo, tats my impression of her. Took them out for a gallop in some fields, then go back and school them a bit in the flat.. then went to Cullinghood where we went for a 1 1/2 hr long ride/hack. It was a greatt hack!! cudnt believe how much fields they have around for us to gallop the horses!!
Me, stef and nadia were all on 3 different sized school horses..from a hairy exmoor pony to a big tb. but they all enjoyed the gallop !!
we even spotted two deers just literally maybe 10m away from us when they ran away as we were cantering towards them
i wonder why the hell do i live in london hmm
Maybe i should just ship zinnie over from home, then live in the countryside to ride her all the time
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Deer spotting in Tilehurst!!
butterfly effect
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Yesterday afternoon's dream keeps me going :)
It's the kind of dream that wakes you up with a comfortable, snuggly feeling
and the weirdest part was that half of the dream become reality during the day
I've been met with more coincidences these past few days much more often than usual
Random act of kindness also put a smile on my face
I am looking forward every morning to that 'hello good morning' greeting from the homeless guy in front of natural history museum on sunny days
The smile of the receptionist lady
Hugs. tea. chocolate biscuits. spring breeze. :)
butterfly effect
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
haduh kok susah banget yah menghilangkan satu orang ini dari pikiran gw..
baru2 ini perasaan sudah bebas dari loe
ehh tau2 hari ini gara2 dia melakukan satuu hal kecil yg gw minta, langsung terpikirkan lagi
cape lama2
gimana yah cara menghilangkan loe dari pikiran gw?
ada ide kawan2..
butterfly effect
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Was updating myself with the earthquake news just now
Realised how damn lucky we are to be here living peacefully in London
Me sipping tea and eating a warm, buttery, chocolate-filled croissant in my comfy pyjamas in my lovely flat, whilst tons of people are left homeless everywhere
Doesnt have to look far
In front of the Tesco below there's one homeless lady
I am a very lucky girl indeed
butterfly effect
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Feeling moody for no reason
maybe cos of the stupid weather
now it rains.and rains. and more rains.
plus this morning in lab it was damn damn quiet and creepy
like a ghost town :(
Called thia just now to moan haha.. and it works :)
butterfly effect
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Had another proper girlie weekend again today :)!
haha so happy
and feel refreshed as well!!
the only downside, i think stupid pret cashier stole my money £10 becos im damn sure i give £20 note then he said onli gave £10. The manager counted his till but he's only -0.71p but im still 100 % sure that he did take my bloody £20!!!!!and no am not mistaken, becos thats the only cash i got in my wallet for the past three days so im fucking sure its £20 and NOT £10
okay consider it as charity trisna..deep breath
still not so happy :( :( :(
but beside that today is a good Saturday.
Riding-shopping-lunch-coffee with lovely companies :)
butterfly effect
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Gula melaka
Good dinner, great company :) great catching up with old friends
Found a new favourite desert now : gula melaka !
try the one in C&R
very nice!!!!
Tomorrow gonna be my farewell ride to Loki :( not too happy but oh well at least know that he's going to a better place to live in Dorset. Next to the beach. In an apaloosa farm, he'll have lots of girlfriends there lol.
Nadia is back here too yayyy. Going to go Reading and visit her next week!!! and do lots lots of ridinggg :)
I think final year project = full time job really
me in lab from 8am-6pm daily
with rare one or two odd days where i can leave earlier
Now i know when scientist says their life revolves around their experiment. Goodness, even your lunchtime is actually depending on your experiment as well. Very true. At least my supervisors give me complete freedom in designing my project. Too free actually, its becoming more like trial-and-error :P
butterfly effect
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Long time havent blog :P
Finally today can get home before 7pm yay. Not too happy actually because of the stupid growth room failure so i lost one week worth of data taking *damn* now im stuck in a way that i really wanna get on to do work but cannot do anything because i have to wait until i have enough aphid culture, plus also bank holiday weekend. The main thing is that i can only run my sample on friday to stop it on tuesday (the way i plan my experiment is i start on mon-finish on fri, nah it screwed up COMPLETELY this week because of that growth room temperature that shoots up to 44C turning all my aphids to well..roasted aphids really. Me so so not happy now arrgh!)
At least my supervisors symphatesized :) Hopefully John wouldnt mind if i ask for more glucosinolates. Even tho am still eternally grateful that he even allow me to have that much in the first place, a teeny-tiny weeny bottle of it worth like £200 plus! same like enzyme also cost damn much..maybe i should be an enzyme-maker, hmm make lots money
Anyway, yay happies, today came back early then went for a run..then watch desperate hwsv wt irma. Love my dear flatmates :) can put smiles on my face after a super long day in lab!
And i now know how to bake egg tarts!!
gonna bake some next weekk and bring school for lunchess :)
butterfly effect
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
In comparison
Final year projects so far quite crazy one
well me can consider myself quite lucky cos this week the main part of my experiment is only waiting for the nymphs to grow, remove the dead ones, count survival and make endless diet rings which are ok because now i get used to it, so can faster make them..
However, the rest or well...MOST bio ppl i see and bump around in saf always in lab until the late hours in the evenings.. came in damn early also.
I cant help but compare and start to feel a bit panicky when i think how come everyone seem so busy one whilst mine are quite slow.. because i have to wait for the aphids to lay nymphs!! duh.
Next week going to be busy for me, going to kill the nymphs and start doing lots of chromatography-related-stuff plus staining and microscopic thingy which i know will keep my hands full for the rest of the week.
On additional note, why do it takes me until the last term of my last year in Bio to actually start speaking to a hell lot more people in the course whom ive never spoken to for the past 2.5 years??!
better late than never they say
Well, exam revision period and projects, though stressful, seems to kind of 'bond' everyone together. Widen my social circle also.
butterfly effect
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I can feel aphids on my hair
i think
okay im completely aphidi-fied
now im getting expert already in how to scoop them up using the tiny tinyy paint brush!!
butterfly effect
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Getting back the missing me
Went riding this morning, yay :)
Strange, if I dont ride for a while it feels like I'm not completely me. So goodie, now the missing-me is complete again.
I was reminiscing whilst riding Loki this morning (since he will be gone very soon), been riding him for 1.5 years now. Pretty long. He reminds me a lot of this pony I used to ride years ago, called Boy. He's not mine, he belongs to the riding school where i used to ride back home. They are both bay, cheeky, mischievieous (mischief? sorry not sure how to spell), but both have the biggest heart and are honest to bits. I remembered with Boy, when we jump its literally like he can read my mind. The feel when we were in a jump off, with turning on the air and flew over one jump to another was unforgettable. He WILL jump anything you pointed him at. I used to lead him around, like a dog, my mum used to said. After riding, I will bathe him then lead him to the car park to where mum parked our car, gave him carrots, then lead him up again to the tack room..literally around the yard. He's not the most obedient pony so i can recall countless times when he decided to just bugger off and left me holding the lead rope, whilst he trotted away, free with his head held up high in the air, tail raised, looking all high and mighty. Loki is similar. He's not mean, but he CAN and WILL test you at the beginnings, and at times when you least expected it. but he's honest, and will give it all if you asked him to. The only bit is that he's quite a wimp actually lol, he hates having his feet get wet, and will stare with both ears pointed forward towards whatever thing coming our way during the hack.
Anyway, main point : glad to be riding this morning!!! now im in school waiting for my aphids to grow.. ... ..
butterfly effect
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A very hot Saturday afternoon
Had a proper girls day out today :)
Went dimsum then followed by hard-core shopping...literally. wanna die from the heat. Even though i didnt really find anything much except a top and a few bits and pieces. Poor Franklin was the only guy against us 4 girls, so he had to wait patiently outside whilst we spent ages in the shops :) :)
I couldnt believe they didnt have aircon in Topshop! and Mango! at least Zara got
so sooo warm....................
prefer the evenings when its a bit cooler
So dead tired, shopping IS an exercise.
butterfly effect
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Too much sun for once
Two people i met told me first thing that i was spreading negative vibes all over the place.. I even found it strange myself because usually Im a person who is so easily satisfied by small unimportant things, such as sunshine or mango ice tea, which i do know sounds random but its true
Someone even offered if i wanted company yesterday night to go out somewhere or not, quite touched :) because i know she doesnt really want to go out these days :) :)
Lovely friends i have, lucky aren't I
Manage to dished out the negative vibes in the end by my usual, never-fail-to-cheer-me-up-method-beside-horseriding : super long jog, followed by ice cold shower. The weather IS getting too HOT for my liking now really. It feels like the sun saps out all of your energy, giving that annoying lethargic feeling. Maybe winter should come back for a bit. Like maybe 1/2 a day or so?
My cousin is here for the weekend whoopee !!!
Today is going to be another dimsum day, shopping then going to watch Jap movie tonight (Death Note, the pic above yay!!) at Institute of Contemporary Arts :)
butterfly effect
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
FYP : Day 1
My first day doing final year project can be perfectly described by TWO words :
2.im more thankful than ever for the phD student and lab assistant!!!!!! whoever invented them are brilliant
well, the fact that my lab(s) are spread over level 3,4,5 (thus involving me running up and down the stairs the lift then up again and down again then up again collect minerals down again collect aphids across to get my supervisor blablabla) and plus also the growth room near the basement in RCS. plus also my supervisor who seems kinda disorganised and forgetful, thus causing me to literally went from one group to another and one lab to another to hunt down the trace minerals i need to feed my precious aphids..
at least my OTHER supervisor is damn nice :) (and yes indeed i have two supervisors, a bit strange but yah nvm)
and once again, so so sooo thankful to sophie and eliana in which without them i think my aphid are going to encounter the unlucky faith of starving to death
butterfly effect
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Ditengah2 exam(lagi)
Gw bener2 tinggal di uni ... literally
parah amat sangat
ga pernah deh gw ngrasa dalam hidup ini gw pernah se-hardworking ini seumur2. sumpah gw aja ampe takjub2 ria ama diri gw sndiri deh akhir2 ini
well for the past 6 weeks sih sebenernya
kegiatan dan khidupan shari2 berkisar antara bangun pagi jem 6, cabut ke uni naek tube ato bus pertama dan nyampe lib pagi2 buta jam 7 (itu juga uda rame loh di lib)..trus lunch ama louisa miri nina, coffeebreaks, ampe makan malem lagi biasa ama simon ato louisa juga or siapa ajah yang masi stuck di library mpe jam sgituan trus pulang krumah uda jam 11-12 malem.
Jadi diitung2 shari gw blajar nonstop tuh ada kali yah slama 14-16 jam
hebat ga sih gw.. bener deh gile aja pas 1st ama 2nd year kmaren gw sudah mrasa kerja keras. tapi ga ada apa2nya deh dbanding 3rd year ini.
Seru juga sih scara kan gw slalu ke lib di level 2 dan duduk di tmp yang sama, jadi knal dgn orang2 skitar. trus kadang2 ada co yg cakep pula utk diliat kalo sedang ngantuk hahaha... dan yg paling bikin gw bisa produktif blajar di lib adalah : ga ada komputer! iyah bgt loh..
jadi skarang sy cmn nyalain laptop kalo pulang malem doank 1-2 jam :)
bangga deh ama diri gw sndiri
Senang d hari ini td bisa pergi dinner. dan yay senangg gw benar2 sudah bebas nihh. bebas dari apa yang gw mau lupain slama 2 taun trakhir. ahaha. sepertinya karena pengaruh blajar dan uni yang gila2an juga sih jadi yah tak ada waktu untuk mikirin. yes
butterfly effect
Thursday, May 01, 2008