In Manchester! Officialy got no sleep (aka : 2 hrs of sleep per night) for these past 4 days, but i'm still feeling high due to end of exams.hehe
Gonna go York tomorrow w Thia..staying at her aunt's place today. Just had bbq wit lots of indo ppl, they're so hilarious!!
Grab this pic frm Manda's fs :
our celebration in Crescent + when artati lost the bet!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
butterfly effect
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
since yesterday, after the ast EB exam (which i think i did..not v,goood..but decent i guess)..i fet so damn free!!
it's like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulder..
and i can finlly breathe again :)
no need to rush back to lib
no more mugging like crazy
no more crappy food for lunch/dinner and caffeine overdose
...heavenly.... artati's place now..gonna stay here till tmr, then gonna go Manchester-York-Glasgow-Edinburgh wit Thia..then nxt week back in London for 1 day, then Egypt!!!!!!!!
Today had a nice lunch/walk2 around/coffee wit alex n good, finally..can just walk around, nice weather, talk..totaly feels like holiday.
Today checked out frm Orient, a bit sad to say goodbye to Charlotte. we grew closer these few weeks..due to exam/revision..will mmiss those long walk back to orient frm lib at nite..just talking abt random things since our brain was freaking overloaded wit exams. hehe. Yesterday, celebrated end of exam wit Manda n artai..went to Crescent (our fave place 2 drink! the best..). Then got this man (40-50ish)..bought us drinks! well...nxt time hope younger guys thn tht will buy us drinks lol...quite surprised when these 3 shots caled "irish flag" appear on our table, n the waitress said its frm the man over there. hehe. Also been shopping quite a lot this few days, as a treat for myself. Really, i think i truly never worked tht hard or study tht hard ever before. not even for a levels.
Oh..hmm another thing happend the day before yesterday. Was chatting w my ex.. realised... tht..dun think he had get over me. shoot. cos he said, after we broke up, then he got involved in sum kind of relationshp w ths girl..but neva works out, bcos, she's different than me. uh oh.not so good. well, anyhow will see him in summer.
I think you can never really be sure..u know..when u think everything is over and u had closed tht chapter in your life, then suddenly those chapter looks inviting to b opened again..but I know for now, I don't want to go and open tht chapter again. not for now.
oh well..gtg..wouldn't b updating ths blog for awhile i guess.
butterfly effect
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
One more paper!!!
feel so freaking restless today.
Finished storing my stuff n boxes etc (thx to simon.michael.manda.ari! hehe) such a SHOCK when we open the container..and saw the huge pile of irma's boxes! plus these stack at d very front almost toppled over n hit us.
Lucky manage to fit all my boxes in, JUST nice. In total got : 4 large boxes, 3 medium ones, 2 suitcases, and 1 shoerack.
not so bad. only increases 2 boxes frm last yr. Threw away my a-level notes in the end, almost can't bear to threw it away since got soo nice notes, all colourful hehe.but realised thts its all really quite useless this year. Then went to Manda's place, had this super nice korean bibimbub :)
Went to lib but feel so restless! trying to read those ecology notes. I mean,who cares if there are so many diversity of finches, who evolves from what..evolution is mostly theories! i mean, who knows there might b no speciation at all, God just decided to create 2 different species! whts the big deal..
dun think gonna b able to write a lot for tmr, 3hrs.
oh and we took pictures in lib!
me n meiting in our 4th level corner!!
really think we practically live in school nowadays.
and linstead dinner and cafe milan as our saviour.
and tomorrow it's all gonna end
its SUMMER holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
butterfly effect
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
1/2 way there
2 down, 2 more to go!!
can't believe CB and BC were over n done with.
I think wht meiting said the other day was true "just close your eyes,then when you open your eyes again,exams are over" :)
Yesterday got panic attack for biochem, tht must b the latest ever i've left library so far..
then today just feel damn slack..after BC, went for a long jog in Hyde park...which stupidly i decided to try a new route, then i got lost, again. Somehow, ended up in Marble Arch..then continue jogging..then saw a sign saying "Paddington" even more confused...then found this horse-riding arena by accident! Also found out where the cavalry army kept their horses! been looking for tht place for a long time, since surely they shd hv somewhere to kept all those horses used in parades/buckingham palace guards etc.
well..after tht, eventually found my way back in e end. :)
Almost finished my room is now strangely empty(ish).
butterfly effect
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Omg..exams are actually starting tomorrow!!
i'm scared-excited-worried all at e same time la if i think abt it..
i mean, feels like we've been revising forever..and finally it WILL start tmr.
and yeap, as everyone said..
only 5 %!
so will cross my fingers n pray :) *winks*
then sure time will fly once exams started..
then scotland/egypt/indo/bali/melb!!!!
can't waitt..!!!!!
butterfly effect
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
In silence
I can study in my room!!
after being kicked out frm lib at 5.30 today (due to the summer ball?)...
i can concentrate in my room as long as there's no noise at all + me & char both kept our doors open. so can hear each other. good2x.. :)
Anyhows. its like..1 more day before exams will FINALLY start.
I'm aiming to pass. and improve frm my last xmas exam. not expecting myself to get 1st or even 2.1. will just try to do my best i think.
i know whtever d results are.. i already put all, like totally all, my effort to revise :)
feel satisfied of myself
i guess..
oh, pic above r frm Irma's 21st bday. just got it frm her. (she's alrd back in indo!! grrrr.....)
butterfly effect
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
4th level boredom
Can't stand it anymore
when the hell these exams gonna b over?
wanna go home, but my flat is too bloody hot + too quiet......
anyhow, ok ok.. gonna go back mugging again now.
butterfly effect
Friday, June 16, 2006
Old friend
Was walking home today.
then decided to stop by at Manda's house. like wht I always did every so often anyway.
really glad I stop by...
had a super long talk.. mostly reminiscing about our times in high school before we came here.
Seriously, those carefree times in TarQ were truly heaven.
Orientation week. Seniors. Basketball. Nasi ibu. Tanda tangan/nomer telpon. Teph's house. Pools & BP & Quickly. Thunderation. Marching Band. Flood. Ngobok. Universtar. Taradise. Orientar. PL Fair.
..the list is endless..
Talked for abt 4-5 hrs.. then went back home feeling very very peaceful. Really, talking to an old friend is the best remedy for almost anything. Trust me.
Anyway, I think I'm a bit weird.
As it gets closer to exam..I always bcome more relaxed & study less.
Whilst most ppl are the total opposite.
I get panicked too early & started revising super early.
Then always feel..too calm/relaxed a few days before the exams.
Weird cycle.
Anyway.. today watch a bit england vs trinidad-tobago in MDH..
when watching with the crowd, the atmosphere can get really exciting!
maybe.. I shd pay attention more to the World Cup.
After all, tht's what will be the centre of attention for the next.. 1 mth? 3 weeks?
even my mom were saying tht she n my dad slept really late nowadays, due to watching the WC.
butterfly effect
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
XC !!
*Today went cross country!!!! weeeheeee.....* !!!!
omg, the adrenaline rush was amazing..
haven't got these high since...since.. last summer when I took Chief on a killer show jumping course back home.
Rode this lovely Caffrey. Never rode him bfore. In the warm up he felt like he was 1/2 asleep, and I was "omg, i'm dead. no way can bring him around to jump anything" but then Kerry said, no worries, he hates flatwork but he'll perk up in xcountry. And dum dee dumm..we went out to the big big xcountry field ..and he WOKE up! and once he realised we're doing xc, he was like "let's go! which jump is next??"
and off we go.. me on Caffrey, Jess on Ginger (which I truly admired the way she handled Ginger, one tricky horse), & Olivia on Martini (she's really2x improving now!!).
Kerry realised we hadn't had much practice on xcountry ..(true la..last time I did xc was like, before I went to ago. Used to do xc quite often at home with Boy, man, he's one in a million pony. We're such a good team, it's like he knows what I want him to do even before I asked him.miss him, love him so much!! still rem those times when we won jumping competitions by beating other just by fractions of seconds...he trusted me so much & will try his heart out to please me & vice versa).
anyhow, yep after warm up..we did a few practice jumps. Realised how bloody out of practice I am with xc bcos my legs were aching alrd after only 5 min. Bcos in xc we had to ride in different position, not d same position we use to do normal dressg/jumping lesson.
Decided instantly tht I've fallen in love wit Caffrey. He's AMAZING! just basically point him at anything : tires/logs/trees/woodblock..he'll just take u there n jumps it!!!
only need to steady his rhytm a bit, no problemo :)
happy happy happy happy
i'm high
Then went wit all d riding ppl for dinner afterwards at ASK gloucstr rd.. nice meal! were laughing our head off wit Jess & Luke's hilarious stories of their flatmates' weird cooking ability lol
Went to Wieland's place...went back..went to Simon's & Baim's flat .talk2x....
feel happy n refreshed today!!!!
butterfly effect
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Guess wht, today I went home..checked my fs account, then got a msg frm a friend of mine.
Which surprises me a lot, since he wrote tht he thinks I have a very different ego compared to most women he knew (women..makes me sounds really old, female?).
n 1: an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others [syn: egotism, self-importance] 2: your consciousness of your own identity [syn: self] 3: (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind
He also said tht I'm the most peaceful person he knew.
wht d h*ll?
makes me wonder why.
Anyhow, today it RAINS!!!
Finally..oh how I love the smell of the earth/grass after it rains. :)
also went hagen dazs wit Mand & Ti tonite..and also while I was waiting for them, sitting on a bench in leicester sq, this random asian guy asked me out! omg, a bit scary, but I just said "no, thanks" while smiling at him.
Lalaaa....1 1/2 more week!! oh pls..will the exams are EVER gonna come????
butterfly effect
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Pink and purple streaks
I think these main entertainment of the day is sitting in front of my window, munching dinner, while staring at the sunset (around..9.15 pm).
I just realised, the sun sets at exactly at the centre of my window.
Which was sooo pretty.. with pink and purple streaks..
Sunsets happens like, every single day since only God knows when (What is Life?)..but only these past 3 days..I actually looking forward to go home, take a super cold shower, then watch the sunset :)
Weird huh?
Sometimes,I feel like I'm lost.
Even when I'm surrounded by my dear friends...I just I don't really belong..why? sometimes I feel much more at peace when I'm alone. Since coming here 3yrs ago, I figure out tht I actually enjoy spending time by myself a lot more than with friends. Now I sound like some kind of anti-social person. I do love my friends and truly2x like spending time with them. but sometimes, I feel like..withdrawing from the crowd..and just spend the whole day by myself..going to the stable and visit the horses. or taking a long run in the parks. or just staying in my room with a good book. will truly makes me happy.
I feel like I'm a bit out of touch with certain friends..friends whom I used to hang out with a lot. here and at home. maybe bcause if this damn revision..which feels like it's gonna go on FOREVER.
but I felt secure by knowing that no matter what......
I got a few friends whom I know for sure will always be there.
They are friends whom even though you haven't spoken or seen them in ages, when you guys see each other's just like you've never been away before.
Friends you can call anytime of the day if you need them.
Friends who just somehow always knew when you feel down and calls you even before you get around to call them.
Friends whom if you visited their house, you can just freely wander around like its your house as well.
I think by coming sort of makes me realised who my true friends are? I mean, general i think when I was in high sch,there're 3 general groups of friends :
1. the hi/by/smile friends..(eg : the ones u just know by names and faces)
2. the 'have fun' friends..(eg: the ones u go out and hang out with in big big groups...)
3. the forever friends..(eg: like the one i described above)
because often I feel like I really want to know my old 'have fun' friends are doing decided to txt/mssg a reply.then replies back.then after a bit, we really don't know what else to talk abt because our lives so different now. Its a bit sad really..i mean, considering what a fun year/2/3yrs we had together in high sch.. all the silly, carefree things we did.
I guess it's just something tht's unavoidable.
You graduated. then move each of us move on with our lives.
gtg..sleep/mug/eat. :)
butterfly effect
Monday, June 12, 2006
The dadas
I shd stop blog-browsing..and get back to mugging (a failed attempt! lol)
anyhow..grab this pic frm Artati's blog (again).thx dear ti!
Makes me much I missed concord life and all the highfielders!
;;Pic was taken last summer? just before our a-levels. Clockwise : man,ti,pang,me,le,yan,sil,nit..(minus Fah). Cooked 200 pangsit & played our very much original, 'sendal jepit' game. Created by nit.;;
butterfly effect
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
At peace
Today is finally my last day working at VUE. Opens today w Elena, got some exciting moments when a lady thought one of us stole her purse! turns out she left in on e counter, then sumone found it then give it back to her.
- Enjoyed my time there.
- Met loads of new ppl..made some new friends. a few whom I know we'll keep in touch.
- 'exercised' a lot (a.k.a : running up n down e stairs, cleaning, scurrying back n forth serving customers..all d time w a big smile on ur face, no matter how tired u are).
- Bcomes really good in counting small changes.
- Got general knowledge abt how d cinema business works here
- Also got quite happy, got some praises n thank you's n well wishes frm my fellow colleagues.
- Feel a bit sad can't say goodbye to a few ppl,juan,maggie,magda,anton,tania,bola,etc..since they're not working today.
- Will drop by there sometime nxt week to say goodbye to them.
Then after work today..felt so damn relaxed. Like, truly realxed. Not in a rush to go back n mug like wht i've been doing these days :(
Decided to go to Manda's flat to return all her clothes n shoes & get my stuff which I left at hers. due to the countless spontaneous sleepovers we did most weeknds. Disturb her n talk2 for sometime. Got so many new stories! haven't catch up w her n d others in a while. Was quite surprised 2 hear her story abt a certain sumone. Then went shopping in ken..intially wanted 2 go eat Hagen dazs at Leicst sq (bloody HOT again!). Feel soo relaxed as I walked thr d shops, just wandering..not really deciding where to go next. Stop by at Starbucks, bought java chip frapuccinno. then just stand there sipping my COLD COLD heavenly nice coffee while talking to Soph on d phone. A nice surprise when she txted me earlier today, since haven't heard frm her in ages. She's giving up her job in Cardiff! then now decides to teach english in summer school. Even tho its only 2-3 hrs..but when I came home, I feel so refreshed. No longer tensed up or in a hurry to revise.
Took super cold shower. OPEN all things tht can b opened (window,flat door,room door,flat window) etc). Then sat down in front of my computer. Had a nice long chat with Silvia for abt 3hrs. Lucky her goin back indo tmr! hehe.Then stare at d sunset outside my window. It was so nice. I know it's nice, but I realised I haven't take much notice of it lately. I think I need to slow my life down. Take more time to enjoy things. I know I'm d type of person..who will always try to please everyone, rushes and work too hard just to make sure eveything will b alrite, and rarely pampers myself. Once in a while, if I decided to tk a break frm my hectic life, I'll start to feel guilty. Used to. but nowadays, I treat myself better. Thx to advices frm a few friends! (ninghn,manda!) lol tht I shd relax more often. Don't work myself too hard. :)
Anw, grab this from artati's blog..which actually worries me a bit abt her.
Its funny how….
Its funny how hello is always accompanied with good-bye
Its funny how remembering good memories can make you cry
Its funny how forever never seems to really last
Its funny how much you'd lose if you forgot your past
Its funny how friends can just leave you when you're down
Its funny how when you need someone there never around
Its funny how people can change and think there so much better
Its funny how many lies can be packed into one love letter
Its funny how people can forgive even tho they cant forget
Its funny how one night can contain if so much regret
Its funny how crazy and ironic life turns out to be
but the funniest part of all is that none of that seems funny to me
Heather Noble
butterfly effect
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
been living on roast duck with rice these past two days
Anyway, this week, world cup starts!!
Today was very very quiet in cinema! everyone must've been watching football..esp since england played today. Then also got so many customers came wearing england football jerseys.
Sometimes it makes me wonder, how come just a football game (a.k.a : 11 guys, no 22 guys, running around & fighting for one small ball for 90 minutes)..can unite so many ppl, as in, not unite "uniting"..but, makes..say ppl frm england, all gather together..ppl from all kinds of background, social status, education, etc..can all gather together and support one team. If that team lost, all will be sad..If it won, then all will be happy.
I mean, indo government is improving nowadays, BUT ..nepotism/corruption have been rooted in the country for too long. It's impossible to completely eradicate it in a short time.
Hmm..maybe in the next 20-30 yrs.
Seriously, at home, if u know the right can get away with anything. Anything. any single damn thing u want, u'll get it. Belive me.
Then another thing, indo government seems to always been working on things which are NOT important. Say, few months ago, there's this row abt shall they launch this new rule, which basically will forbid women wear shorts/tank tops etc in public places. Lucky in d end, they failed since got too many ppl protesting.
butterfly effect
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
k, this post was suppose 2 b for yesterday ..since blogspot was somehow just doesn't work yesterday :
Feels like I’m back home in indo..
Went swimming this morning, took a COLD shower but still feel hot..library = equally hot.. went back, my room was even more boiling HOT! Due to the damn window which can’t b opened more than 15cm…
Anyhow, highlight of the day : 2 hrs waiting time in IC health centre !! got an appointment wit d nurse at 2.20pm..went there ard 2 wit Ninghan. Waited for 2hrs!!!! omg..omg.. but in the end got our jabs, 2 jabs! One on each arm. Now we’re officially (hopefully) protected from Diphteria, Tetanus, Polio (1 jab) & the other jab is for Hepatitis A. Since according to the nurse, these are the jabs required for travelers to Egypt (initially thought we need malaria jabs, but turns out not).
Oh and the jabs were FREE! Yay..not bad. :)
Went back to lib, but the 2hrs waiting time had really ruined my mood to revise. Went for Linstead dinner, thx to ninghn! Called me just at d right time when I was thinking to go sandwich shop. Reminds me of concord meals!! Nostalgic thought for a while there..
Went back home ard 8. Stop by to say hi to ppl in cinema..Elena thought I no longer works there this week, and she looked so sad! I was like.. hey no worry, I’m still working this week, which is my last week working there. Will miss them nxt yr really.
Also decided to do Mandarin-chinese language class for nxt yr! finally..! Initially thinking to take Managerial Econs, but borrowed the Microecons textbook frm lib..and was reading it these few days, decided tht actually that course is much towards the price/maths/economic side ..whilst I’m more interested to do a course abt management skills.
Then I was pondering thr the humanities course list, when it occurs, hey why don’t I take mandarin?? Since I’ve been thinking to study mandarin since a few yrs ago, but just haven’t got the chance to do it. Also I got tired of ppl came up to me and spoke to me in Chinese,assuming I speak Chinese. will b nice if I know wht they’re talking abt! Hehe….
Yesterday finally went horse riding!!Rode Macey (again), she’s now one of my fav!!!
Manage to immediately get her soft in the mouth, round and stretching her back in the warm up..really happy tht she listened well to my aids. Also I keep talking to soothe and calm her down all the time, because there were 6 of us in the arena (6 horses), she was a bit jumpy and excitable. I think talking always really helps to calm a nervous horse.
Her walk and trot was fine , but her canter is always her weakest pace. She went fast, but no power at all from her hindlegs. I know I can’t asked her too much, bcos her back muscle isn’t that well developed yet (she’s only 6 & haven’t been in training for tht long). So Adam told me to alternate bwn sitting and 2-point position in canter. It did help her to built more impulsion in her canter strides if I rode her in 2-point position. Also scratching her neck while cantering really helps to calm her down. Otherwise, just the slightest pressure frm my hand/legs caused her to tense up and anticipate the next movement so much. Need super soft, super steady hand with her. Similar to Kim really.
Felt so satisfied at the end of our lesson tht she really had calmed down and was happily stretching down when I asked her to.
Took her back, untack her, and poor Macey was so thirsty.
Spent sometime wit her, brushing & wipe her down with damp towel. Was thinking to bathe her, but she’s still too hot. So nice spending time wit horses again! After 2 whole weeks not getting in touch wit a horse. When I’m around horses, is the one and only time I can totally, completely forget abt all my problems J hehe..who cares abt Krebs Cycle and purple bacteria when there’re horses around. Lol.
Can’t wait to go back home and see how Bobby & Black Orchid & Argento & Malby were progressing with their training since I trained them last summer. Oh, dad also called and told me tht I was asked to represent South Kalimantan team in the Indo National Games 2008. Which..sadly..I can’t..since the competition will be held in mid-march 2008 which exactly coincides with revising time for my (hopefully) 3rd yr exams. A bit disappointed, also bcos they told me they got good string of promising horses which I can ride in 2008…(actually, was thinking to ride Kim if possible). Shd be so much fun..the last national games were in 2004. Spend 5 weeks with all the team, training & rode our horses every day..slacking and basically did nothing for the rest of the days. Pure bliss. Haha.
Oh..pls exams be over soon!!!... Egypt-planning wit NInghan on Tues, so many things to see there!! Can’t wait!!
butterfly effect
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Horse women
In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of horses.
This substance, called "amo-bacter equuii" has been linked with the following symptoms in female humans:
* reluctance to cook
* reluctance to perform housework
* reluctance to wear anything but boots
* reluctance to work except in support of a horse
* physical craving for contact with horses (may be an addiction)
Beware! If you come in contact with a female human affected by this substance be prepared to talk about horses for hours on end.
________________________________________________________________________ ______________
Thinking of dating a horsewoman? Please read the following carefully:
Easy to Locate.- She's either off on the horse or out in the barn.
butterfly effect
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Drive and Motivation
According to Lorenz' psychohydraulic model :
...basically behaviour occurs because of drive & motivation..(internal & external factors, combined 2gether..= u get behaviour)...
I'm losing motivation to revise! .....
hmm, I'm always like this. Got motivated too damn early-study10x hard-revise like mad-...lose motivation...-suddenly, motivated again-study10x-revise like mad.. and the cycle goes on.
it's like the oscillation period in the circadian rhytm!
Anyway, called Dian today and had a super-long chat for abt 1 1/2 hr. felt so good to talk to her after dunno how many things to catch up. Got so many stories to tell each other. She seems to b really2x enjoying her course in architecture..hmm suddenly can picture myself asking her to design a house for me in the not-too-near future...always knew she'll make her way in architecture! always amazed me wit her creativity since i knew her..14yrs ago? Really do think she knew me better than I know myself sometimes, just now she made me realise sth tht shd've been obvious to me long ago, but I just didn't realise it until finally after I talked to her..then finally I found the answer which was way simpler than I thought it would be. I really do think too much sometime I guess, but thinking too much is ok I guess. For me,the more I spent time alone, the more I think..abt all d random things/important/non-important things ..anythg really.
Too bad couldn't talk longer since my phone card credit were running out.
Quite surprised as well since she mention abt this certain guy, which is so similar to sumone i 80% similar. lol.
Went to see Xmen 3 wit Meiting just now..good show!!!
can't believe tht we MISSED the ending after d credits!
but cyclops died..whyy..... :(
I should think less.
butterfly effect
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
*Happy 21st irma!!* haha u'r getting old........ *grins* :)
we still love u anyway.
(and I wrote this in RED which I know u'll love! see wht a gd friend I am?! lol)
Pretty busy weeknd this week.
Friday - went shopping wit Meiting! love this blue cargo pants at River Island ...hmmmm shd I get it or not? went top-hunting to b worn to Irma's bday. Walked frm oxf st-picc circ.. nice jap food for lunch! so full after tht. Got 2 cute earrings :)! and a red long since I went clothes shopping hehe.
anyway, lost my bloody wallet!
butterfly effect
Monday, June 05, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Went Decathlon today w. ninghn!
omg, so much cheap stuff there..! bought wetsuit(ish)..sleeping bag, n sunglasses!
*likes the sunglasses!*
spent abt 4 hrs wandering thr all the stuff in decathlon... :)
went back, revise in lib a bit.
Went to Huxley, met up w.Manda..finally decided wht to do for Irma's bday this week. gonna go clubbing, working on the guest list, shd b abt 10 of us. Yan said she'll come as well, hvn't seen her in ages!
Anw, just finished watching this old film, My Girl (1991)..starring Anna Chlumsky & Macauly Culkin. such a simple, sweet story abt friendship,loss, and love. ..
butterfly effect
Friday, June 02, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Hmm..just came back from staff meeting at the cinema.
Gave my resignation letter to Matt today, he knew already bcos I spoke to him a few weeks ago.. It feels kinda weird u know, giving your employer your resignation letter. He said no worries, things like this happens all the time, but well.. me being me, can't help not to feel guilty, even tho I know it's prefectly normal and happens all the time, ppl leaving their job/got a new job/applying for jobs..etc.
but yea..anyway the past 2 months working there has been really an enjoyable exp for me. Plus almost all (say, 95 %) of my colleagues in VUE are truly nice ppl..I think one of the reason why I always wants to do some part-time job/volunteering job is..that it reminds me that well, life is not just about uni/studying/ working in Concord/VUE/westway stable, somehow it is just an eye-opener for me to see ppl with real life, not tht am saying living as a student is not a real life..but where else can I get to know ppl frm so many different backgrounds, what they do for living, and just how different some of their world are from me and my friends really... also tht most times, 1st impression is totally in, totally completely wrong.
Got this one girl, who dressed up looking all gothic, but actually she's learning to b an elementary school teacher..
Another girl, looks like a girl who loves to go clubbing/partying, actually works 8 hrs a day cleaning ppl's houses to earn money so she can study english..
and this last one really surprised me, imagine a big/tall/dark/scary looking security guy...always thot tht he's always been a security guy all his life, actually is doing his a-levels in bio/math/chem and wants to be a pharmacist! (saw him reading his bio notes one day during break..he said he decided to go back to school & get a degree..completely stunned when I heard this really).
really, 1st impression can be very very misleading... :)
butterfly effect
Thursday, June 01, 2006