I don't really feel well :(
im never going home with wet clothes after getting soaked in the rain again..thts just stupid...
but today's riding lesson with Todd was sooo goood.. :) we clicked so well. and he was much more lighter in his front end.
i happy.life is good. i love todd.
..and i've been facebook-ing with irma these past hour, and due to the fact that we're literally 5 seconds away from each other in the living room..trying to read journals but failed terribly, so i should call this a day and go to get an early sleep tonight.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
butterfly effect
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A simple touch
Nous chassons la richesse quand nous avons la vie,
Nous chassons la vie où nous avons la richesse.
which translates to :
We chase wealth when we have life,
We chase life when we have wealth
how very true indeed.when we're young and full of energy, we want to earn more and more money..work and work and work. then you realise money can't buy you life.
Got a headache now.. surely the result of been sleeping to late since sunday, watching more asian drama series in crunchyroll.com :( i go home early, finish do notes/work before 11ish.. but still slept around 3. i think im slipping back to my horrible sleeping time..need to get more sleep.
butterfly effect
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wow i'm amazed at myself how motivated suddenly i am today. Went back home from lectures, then went online until now looking at all the different possibilities the 'real' world out there have. I realised there are lots lots lots of things i can do. Lots of interesting companies and what they do. I actually read economics review for this past hour, something i havent done since.. since last time i learn econs in high school maybe. I havent been reading much of whatever happens in the world nowadays, which is bad..i should keep myself updated. Maybe i should just spend this summer happily playing with my horses back home, as this is the last summer i can have fun. In a way. Cos next year (IF i graduated..hope so haha) then have to start looking for jobs/master/rvc(?). Its all still a big big question mark in my mind. I feel a bit lost. Hmm...I met alex last fri, cos he came london to met his dad.. he also said same thing, can have plan..but dont plan too much. Life is full of little surprises right :) maybe.
butterfly effect
Monday, February 26, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
butterfly effect
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Yesterday me and ninghan went to Southampton for a day trip.. visiting dear Claire :) 2hr bus ride from Victoria, its not far. We spent the day happily and lazily walking along the high street..window shopping.. had an extremely nice yummy milkshake at this place called 'Shakeaway' where u can have absolutely everything and anything u want as a milkshake! ninghan ordered e one which is mixed oreo/strawberrycheesecake, mine is choc fudge brownie/cheesecake, claire's skittles..so yummy!! Then had lunch at a pub, called Cowherds..its a smoke-free pub, v.cosy inside, food also nice. Went back to Claire's house (yeap, a house, proper house..unlike us the poor souls in London who had to live in flats). Spent the whole afternoon there, played monopoly, talked2 and catching up. Went back, and basically i just slept! until this morning when I went to ride Loki as usual. :)
I admire people who are strong. I was thinking it over yesterday, how angmo's are so different from us, asians. Most of them seem to be very.. able to take things in their stride really well if they are faced with problems (a bit hard to explain..err..). I don't know how they are able to do that, really..cultural difference i guess.
butterfly effect
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Just when i decided to call home and call om james, i could NOT find my calling card! anywhere. I've turned my room upside down, searched the whole flat. None. Zilch. It couldn't have been gone anywhere. I kept things always at the exact same place...and its so annoying when things get misplaced or lost. Hmm... oh well i'm still going to keep searching. This weekend going to be really packed, full of friends visiting or visiting a friend :) Ajeng came from holland, alex came from Norwich...meeting them tmorrow. Going southampton to visit claire on Sat.. Ride Loki on Sunday. Plus work. Weekdays are really beginning to feel like weekends..and vice versa.
"The things that we love, tell us what we are" -Saint Thomas Aquinas-
I like : horses, books, tea, sea, dogs, sunshine, chocolates, lazy days, swimming.. plus about 1000 other things.
I like finding 'thinkable' quotes. :) Makes me think in a different direction for a few minutes while reading and digesting it.
butterfly effect
Friday, February 23, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Shrove Tuesday
I will actually eat finish everything in the fridge if i stayed at home for too long hehe..
Happy that i'm still in the productive, hardworking state today..After doing work for a few hours, went for a long jog..then go back, had shower..Now i'm just lazying on the couch, going online and can smell yummy dinner being cooked by irma. :)
Today is Shrove Tuesday, or pancake day :) Later on tonight going off to Char,jude, mimi's place to eat pancakes! tomorrow is Ash Wednesday..Start of Lent. Wonder what should i do for this year's lent? i tried giving up on chocolates, meat, and sweets already the past few years.. hmm.. ideas.
butterfly effect
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
butterfly effect
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007

butterfly effect
Monday, February 19, 2007
Today is a nice, lazy start of the week :)
I'm just happy, feeling very warm and lazy..and relaxed. So nice. I like this kind of feeling. I figure out that the way i deal with people really influences my thoughts and mood.
butterfly effect
Monday, February 19, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
adjective _ temporary, brief, ephemeral, fleeting, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, transitory.
-from Collins Gem English Thesaurus-
In 10 years time, will I look back and think that my life in London seems like a dream? or will i think back and smile, remembering all the things? Sometimes i really feel like i'm living in 2 different worlds, which is true anyway. I can put mind-barriers to separate between things back home and here. I can even pretend things home do not exist while i'm here, happily 'living' my own life. I don't want to look back when i grew old, and think what did i actualy do when i was here? say..for 7 years in UK..? i want to leave footprints, friends i can come back to and visit..faces i recognise, places i want to remember, people who matters. Otherwise, it will be just like a finished chapter of a book. Finished, done, slese.
In reality, my life here is real..it's not transient. It's real. It exists. The clock keeps ticking and whatever i do did matters.
The reason i start to think abt this was because i was talking to my dad this morning..and i asked him whether our house is finished yet and other house-related stuff, and he mentioned sth abt our maid, and i was like, "huh?" and he was like, "oh u didn't know??". er.. in a way i think i really do missed a lot a lot of family news and stuff nowadays. I haven't spoken to novi for ages, in which i really do will call her. My nephew whom i last saw was a tiny baby, now apparently is already walking. Then ya, just a lot of small little things like that. I'm not really a family person, in a way. i guess i was spoilt though,always get things done my way.. due to the fact that im the only child. but i think i'm a good child overall..hm. oh well, i know it can't be helped anyway..but nowadays, i'm just putting off things which i should do sooner. Whatever happened to the old me who used to finished things..like wayyy longgg before the deadline? i wish that old me came back soon, otherwise im kinda screwed. kinda. not in a huge proportion of screwed-up-ness i hope.
staying up late at night after work..too tired to do anything productive, makes me think of a lot of things. which actually makes me unable to sleep.
I should stop thinking too much.
and just be more productive.
butterfly effect
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i've been very very unproductive tonight.
spending 5 hours..took a nap
fiddling with R
argh..not good :(
butterfly effect
Thursday, February 15, 2007
watched this just now :)
ok ok i need to get back to do my lab report.. :(
butterfly effect
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tesco for Valentine

butterfly effect
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Just had a very refreshing chat with andris.. he always knows how to distract me when i work too hard haha. funny how i wasn't close to him at all while im still in indo, but now he's one of the few that are still in close contact with me. Some friends i actually grew closer when i'm apart from them. but i cant imagine a life without friends :)
I like today. i came back..eat dinner which pang cooked for me yesterday..(okonomiyaki! now i know how to cook)..went on msn and browse internet mindlessly. Very unproductive, but very relaxing indeed. Now my flat is empty and quiet again. Pang went back to edinburgh today. And tomorrow is Valentine's day. and i'm going to spend it by doing things i love the most..horse riding during the day, then going out with my dear friends at night.
Put a smile on my face :)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Mom and dad are coming :) !!
hehe.. called them just now.
I enjoy talking to them if i feel like talking..thts why i always tell my mom not to call and just to wait for my call hehe. Get all the newest gossip about horsy people back home. Its funny how even tho im not in indo anymore, but my parents are still involved with all the horsy stuff..bcos all of the horsy ppl back home, we're all just like one big family :) Its a small community with lots of gossip and news all the time haha..i miss them.
Riding this morning was good as always..i really wonder how come i never overslept on the tube..i always woke up just in time before my stop. lucky me.
Got work later..argh
Hopefully he didn't make us do a pyramid of snack packs anymore. no no.
butterfly effect
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
butterfly effect
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Strange and Beautiful
We really can't avoid them, do we?
butterfly effect
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Me being impressed
butterfly effect
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
Spring in a state of mind
Pat said,"With the right people and the right mindset, spring can be anyday".
True..true :)
Today is a happy day.
I had a disabled customer, who was one of the most polite and pleasant customer i had ever served. Small little things like this is what i like about working. and living. I feel very content in what i have nowadays, i'm stronger now, in a lot of ways. I have a better view of what i want, and i definitely know what i deserve. You realised it way too late, as you had your chance and you missed it. Tough luck, i ain't going to go down that path anymore. no thanks.
I found myself and i'm happy with me now :)
Hmm..Tomorrow and Wednesday are going to be busy busy day.. i won't be home until Wed night. Looking forward to the sleep over at Lucy's, compete in Snowball on Wed and only God knows how i can make it back in time to London to work for my 6-10 pm shift on Wed night.
butterfly effect
Monday, February 05, 2007
My 21st
My dearly beloved flatmate :)
butterfly effect
Monday, February 05, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Thankful for my lovely teammates!

Thanks to everyone helping out today! Our home competition today went really REALLY well!! we are now in 2nd place :) ! yays! (brunel..still...in 1st place..) but yeap, really happy and I love my teammates! everyone worked so well today, totally greatly appreciated all the B team people who came and helped out today. Thanks so much guys :) we wouldn't be able to make it without your help. Todd went surprisingly super well for me today in the dressage, even tho i was the last rider on him. I totally expected him to be tired and pissed off already..but amazingly our test out us in the lead after the dressage. Too bad when I jumped with Joe, we knocked down a fence..thus it made us dropped from the leading position. Oh well, but that's the joy of competing : ANYTHING can happen. Seriously, all of our jump horses went mental in the jump warm-up..Jigsaw very nearly bucked Harriet off!! Jigsaw! who's usually so sweet natured and calm..Trio was the one who looked like an angel today. Caffrey and Joe also acted up..I thinkwe had successfully scared other teams after the jump warm up xp..but thankfully they all went perfectly allright in the jumping afterwards. We were laughing like mad at how hilarious it was in the warmup..so funny. Then also Todd threw a 'todd moment' and nearly threw one of the brunel girls off hehee.. I cant believe i also forgot one movement in the dressage, but we must did super well bcos we were still in the lead after that.. hehe. But yeah, today was a long long day...super tired and exhausted, i nearly fell asleep at the pub afterwards.
butterfly effect
Thursday, February 01, 2007